Trouble comes knocking

Hugo was surprised by the change that had occurred in his dream world.

The surrounding space was no longer dull gray, but instead tinged with a reddish hue. In what passed for the sky in the formless world, sparkles of golden light gleamed as they floated about.

Hugo could feel that his thought speed had gotten much faster. His mind was back to a level comparable to the peak condition in his previous life. He felt calm and serene in both body and mind.

"The mind is responsible for feelings of fear, pleasure, and pain. Control of the mind is the highest Yoga for someone in pursuit of knowledge and wisdom like me." Hugo mumbled.

[I now understand why the Owl was insistent on my training of the soul. Possibilities unfold for those with a sound mind.] Hugo started feeling the advantage his current state conferred him.

[If such a dramatic change can result from training with the Psykhe-Mental-Exercise just once… What will happen if I practice this mystic-soul-art for years?] Hugo could not help but sigh in wonder.

However, this change in his dream world was not the only development.

The golden orb had disappeared. In its place, a huge dark-brown book shimmering with rainbow lights hovered.

[This is getting more peculiar! … First, it was a pyramid and an owl, now it's a huge book. …Is there a warehouse for mysterious artifacts in my mind?]

[Or is this why the Psykhe-Mental-Exercise hints at this being my spiritual world rather than my dream world? Is there a difference between the two? Could it be connected to somewhere else?] Hugo's past scientific and common sense appeared to be useless in this world.

[…I should ask the Owl when she next appears.]

He was slowly becoming numb to the abnormalities that kept appearing in his mind.

Hugo moved towards the book, but did not dare to touch it. He was still filled with trepidation especially when handling mysterious items that appeared in his dream world given his earlier experience.

The huge dark-brown book had tattered edges contrasting strongly with the pristine shimmering symbols on its cover.

Hugo could make out several star symbols on the cover, arranged around the image of an infant who appeared to be asleep in a golden-basket. The face of the infant was not depicted, however, Hugo could deduce that he was probably only a few months old.

The star symbols surrounding the infant were iridescent with rainbow lights, making the book feel alive. They included a pentagram, a hexagram, a heptagram, an octagram, an enneagram, an ecagram, a hendecagram, and a dodecagram.

These star symbols symbolized the five-pointed, six-pointed, seven-pointed,… up to the twelve-pointed series of geometric star figures.

[That neighbor of ours back in Smiljan used to have a book of such star symbols. These symbols are likely associated with some myths and rituals back on earth.]

[Yes, … Now I remember the five-pointed star should be the pentagram, a common symbol of the occult.] Hugo tried to recall some of the stories from his childhood.

[With a single point upwards, it represents one's spirit presiding over the four traditional elements of existence, whereas a pentagram with two points up was considered evil. I shouldn't belittle those rituals and beliefs anymore… Or I may get in serious trouble in this new world.]

[The golden ratio formed by the pentagram was also popular in geometry back on earth… Both the Fibonacci sequence and the pentagram are a representation of the golden ratio that pervades mathematics!]

[It seems that there is a connection between science, mathematics, and this world's mystical power.] Hugo concluded feeling excited.

If science could be applied in this world, then he did not have to worry about the nonsensical enemies that would want to threaten his peaceful life.

[If you disturb my peace, I will just blow you up with a cannon… What 'Manroes' and so on! …I will teach them a lesson after constructing a few weapons.] Hugo was now looking forward to delightful days in this new world.

[I need to read the contents of this book. I just have to take the risk. Maybe I can get some information about this new world. …The golden owl wouldn't have left something dangerous…]

Hugo moved forward to flip the pages of the book, however, his hands were repelled by a pressure, seemingly exerted by the array of rainbow lights manifested from the cover of the book.

The repulsive force was akin to that felt when trying to bring together like poles of different magnets.

This repulsive force threatened to push his existence out of the dream world if he mounted further force.

[It seems that my soul is not yet strong enough to access the book. I should be able to move closer to the book after strengthening my mind.]

[Was this the Owl's intention? …Using my thirst for knowledge to make me train my soul faster!? Isn't that childish?] Hugo was amused by the Owl's actions.

He gave the transformed dream world one last gaze before willing his consciousness to leave the confines of the spiritual world.

He woke up and found his aunt Tracy looking at him with a worried expression. Her eyes were aglow with a green light. She seemed to be scanning his body with otherworldly senses.

[Aunt Tracy is worried about my abnormal behavior during the information transfer… I wonder if she can see the happenings in my dream world!]

"There is no abnormality in his body." Hugo heard his aunt think aloud.

"Little Hugo's talent must require massive amounts of world mana or something similar. There is no other explanation for his massive absorption of mana." He heard his aunt mumbling again.

[The Psykhe-Mental-Exercise is helping me consume the world's mana faster. I should be careful when practicing this exercise later…]

"Bam… Bam… Bam…"

A loud knocking sound on the inn's wooden door interrupted Hugo's thinking.

Tracy hurriedly placed Hugo's within the bed linen, leaving only his head exposed. Tracy then deactivated the concealment formation before answering the door.

"Who is it? Why are you interrupting my sleep in the middle of the night? …Don't you know that I am …"

"Tracy! It's me Ali-Baba… We have to leave this place as soon as possible. According to Major Florian and Jonas, the Manroes are nearly here." Hugo heard the voice of the caravan's captain through the door.

Tracy took a few seconds before answering.

"Code?" She replied with one word.

"The Manchurian tiger goes fishing in the nearby river. The crocodiles dive into the swamp to eat amphibians."

After hearing Ali-Baba's response, Tracy opened the door.

"What happened? How could the Manroes risk moving through the jungles on the night of the full moon!?" Tracy asked immediately after letting Ali-Baba into the room.

Ali-Baba wiped the sweat off his pale forehead before replying in a voice filled with urgency.

"The 'Manroes' experienced some sort of accident when they were conducting their full moon ritual. They seem to believe that you and the young princess had something to do with it."

"What sort of accident?"

"A lot of their chosen were killed during some sort of sanctification ritual… But Tracy! We need to leave immediately. We can discuss the details later. Mystics from the Manroe family will be here soon." Hugo could discern that Ali-Baba was fearful.

"Okay. Let's leave. Give me a minute. …Have the other members of the caravan left?" Tracy asked while picking up young Hugo and packing up their belongings.

"They have all dispersed and will stay discreetly in town until tomorrow. Major Florian promised to take care of them until Jonas gets here." Ali-Baba replied while leading Tracy out of the room.

"We left most of the goods for the army so they agreed to take care of our men. Aladdin and I will accompany you out of Melekar. The others will just slow us down if they come along." Ali-Baba continued while moving out of the entrance of the inn.

"Who provided you with information about the Manroes… And why Aladdin?" Tracy asked while they moved further towards the slums of the western part of Dandarah town.

"Jonas is the one who reported the unusual behavior of the Manroes just after the full moon. He also seems to trust Aladdin's resourcefulness, especially when escaping from enemies."

When they got out onto the streets, they traveled incredibly fast.

At one point, Tracy had to cast a rank one wind barrier to shied Hugo from cold air which would have been dangerous for him especially at such high speeds.

[We're moving at a speed of approximately 12 meters per second. What kind of power allows people to move at such speeds?] Hugo was perplexed.

Very soon, the trio reached the western outskirts of Dandarah Town. They encountered Aladdin and another man who seemed to have been waiting for them just near the town walls.

The roars of enraged calamity beasts could still be heard from beyond the walls since the blood-red full-moon had only just elapsed.

"Ali-Baba! Is this the friend of yours the Manroes are so intent on finding?" Major Florian asked sounding perplexed.

Hugo recognized the voice. This is the man that was whipping workers or slaves when we arrived here yesterday.

"Yes. We need to leave right away. Open the tunnel." Ali-Baba replied curtly.

"Sigh. It's not yet even six in the morning and you've got the 'Manroes' on your tail. What an unlucky bunch!" Major Florian replied while tapping the nearby wall with a wand he conjured out of thin air.

Very soon, a tunnel opened up on the previously unblemished wall before them.

[Is this some kind of camouflage power or is it a door that reforms to a wall when closed!" Hugo's common sense was once again overturned.

"Major Florian! Please look after my men in the meantime. I will bring you some of those goodies you like when I return." Ali-Baba sounded distressed and more anxious than before.

"Don't worry. They won't face any challenges in Dandarah. These are the lands of the Chief of Melekar and not one of those under the pretentious ancient families of the Continent." Major Florian replied while brushing his hand through his moist and disheveled black hair.

From his apparel, you could tell that he was just from battle. His Khaki pants and military-green jacket were stained with blood.

Hugo was bemused by how someone could remain in such bloodied clothes for a long.

"Luckily, only two mystic-kings left Melekar City to hunt you down. So, they won't have time for your tiny minions." Major Florian answered in an affirmative tone.

"Better safe than sorry."

"Okay, thanks. See you in a month." Ali-Baba replied.


It was at this time that a sonic bang was heard from the northern part of Dandarah Town.

"Oh! … The Manroes are here. It seems they're attacking the northern gate. Move it… or you'll get caught! " Major Florian bellowed.

The two men and a single woman carrying a baby did not take the time to reply and simply dashed into the open tunnel in the wall.

"Hope you survive old friend. The Manroes are relentless in their pursuit of enemies." Major Florian mumbled after seeing them disappear into the tunnel.

He resealed the wall and scattered some powder from a pouch all over the area. He then sauntered off while whistling and disappeared into the slums.