
A/N: Hello to all you guys out there in the big world. Welcome! Thank you for choosing my book to read. Just warning you that there may be lots of grammar and spelling mistakes so please comment on them and I'll try to fix them. This is not my first book in writing but it feels like it. Well ... enjoy!


Alyssa's PoV.

Beep. Beep. Beep....

Be quiet!

Beep. Beep. Beep....

I said shut up!

Beep. Beep. Beep....

Ok that's it! I got out of bed and grabbed my alarm clock and chucked it out of the window.

"Bye!!" I waved it goodbye and went back to bed. Harsh, I know, but what else was I meant to do. The stupid thing wouldn't shut up, plus I can always get a new one. If you're wondering, no I'm not a violent person but when it comes to my alarm, I go crazy.

Just as I was about to go back to sleep, I was awoken by a loud noise which made me jump out of bed. I glared down at Luke who was currently laughing his a*s off. Luke's like my other half. I have no idea what I'd do without him. He can be annoying but he's the sweetest guy you'll ever meet and no he's not my boyfriend. Eww... In fact, he's gay. Yes, my best friend is gay and I'm proud of it.

" I'm going to count to three and if you haven't stopped laughing by then, I'm gonna make you wish you never started." I threatened him trying to put on my angry face. I don't think I succeeded since a second later he burst into a laughing fit with tears pooling out.

" Bi*ch please! Everyone knows how big of a softy you are." Did I mention that he's bit sassy? Well he is. Then again, he's right. I couldn't hurt a fly even if I wanted to. But what's wrong with a girl having a big heart. Exactly... nothing, so don't chat.

" Whatever," I muttered, " what was the need for you to wake me up so damn early!!!"

"Uh... it's Monday!" he said as if there was something happening today.

Monday... Monday... Monday... " Holy sh*t, it's Monday!" I have work today and my boss said to be there extra early because Sally, my colleague, made a last minute cancellation and I have to take up her shift.

I jumped into the shower and had a 10 minute wash. I got out and slipped on my work clothes which were pretty simple. It consisted of a white blouse and a pair of black trousers. I tied up my hair into a simple ponytail and rushed out the door, not before saying goodbye and thanks to Luke. I had no time for breakfast since I was already getting late.

15 minutes later ...

It took me 15 minutes to get there by bus. I works as a waitress at a cafe near by. Luckily, I got here just in time, thanks to Luke. Normally, I would've been fired by now but the owner has a soft spot for me. He's like a father figure to me. My father died a few years ago, in a plane crash and my mother is currently in coma. It hasn't been the same since.

I walked into the shop and greeted Sam, the owner. "Where have you been young lady? You're nearly 5 minutes late?" He said, once he saw me.

I gave him my puppy dog eyes and said sorry. He instantly forgave me and said it was only because I'm his best employee but deep down I knew he had a soft spot for me.

7 hours later...

I finally finished my work. Usually I only work for 4 - 5 hours but with Sally not being here, I had to work more longer. After work I decided to go to the park which was a five minute walk away. I have a soft spot for everything but what made me turn into a really big softy was children. I love children. I can't wait to have my own but I'm just waiting for the right person to have them with. In the park I saw an ice cream truck and I had to get one. I ordered for a double scoop of mint chocolate chip ice cream. Delicious.  As I walked past a big oak tree, I heard sniffling. Behind the tree sat a little girl who seemed to be crying. The sight broke my heart. She looked so vulnerable and lost. I sat down next to her and looked at her.

"Hello..." she looked at me and said hello back.

" Why is a pretty girl like you crying?"

" I lost my daddy. He told me to stay at the swings while he go to de car to get somefing but den I saw cuwte squiwel and fowowed it. It wan up vis twee and now I can't find daddy!"

I mentally awed at her struggle to speak. It was so cute.

" Well my names Alyssa and I'll help you find your daddy ok. What's your name?"

" Tank you. My name is Skylar!"

" Such a pretty name for a pretty princess!"

" You fink I'm pwetty pwincess?"

"Yes. You're a beautiful princess". I gave her my untouched ice-cream hoping it would cheer her up.

"Tank you Ally" she laughed and held my hand as we walked through the park.

We talked about princesses and unicorns as we searched for her dad. She's such a bundle of joy.

Suddenly she let go of my hand and ran towards a guy, screaming, " Daddy!!!!" The guy turned around and picked her up, spinning her round and round. So this is her dad. I quickly ran up to them.

"Sky, never let go of my hand like that. You almost gave me a heart attach." I said, putting my hand to my chest.

" I'm sowy!" said Sky as she came up to me and gave me a hug. I hugged her back, " it's okay princess."

" Who's this, angel". The voice startled me. I forgot that her dad was standing there. I looked up and let out a small gasp. In front of me stood a guy with soft brown hair and deep green eyes. A throat was cleared and colour flooded through my cheeks once I realised I was caught checking him out. A smirk was plastered on his face and he stared at me, intensely. I looked down.

" Are you ok Ally?" Said Sky.


" Then why is your face gone red. Are you too hot?"

Her comment caused me to blush harder and brought out a chuckle from this man. Oh god. I'm so stupid, I haven't even introduced myself yet.

" Hi. I'm Alyssa Cortez and I was just helping your daughter find you." I said, thankful for no stuttering.

"I'm Christian King. I'm sure you know who I am." Replied a husky voice. Damn. His voice made my legs wang to give way. Christian King? That name rings a bell but I can't really remember.

The next thing he said made me blink twice.

" How would you like to be my daughter's new babysitter?"



Okay. So that's the first chapter. I hope you guys liked it and please:

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Thank you.

- BlxckRose 🖤