Chapter 14

*The next day *

I wake up in my assigned bedroom and go to my bathroom and start taking a shower getting ready for school. I wonder how my first day back will be. I tie my long green hair into a ponytail and put on a black skirt with fishnet tights, a emerald green tank top, black jacket, and a pair of black combat boots.

I make my way to the kitchen and make me some toast and bacon. I sit down to eat my breakfast and drink some orange juice opening my phone. I see numerous missed calls and texts from Lisa. guess that's what happens when your best friend finds out that you are missing. I decide to call Lisa to let her know that I'm okay.

Lisa: Hello?! Y/n?!

Y/n: Hey...


Y/n: Relax first and then I'll tell you


Y/n: I know, I can only imagine how worried you were.

Lisa: You have no idea! I thought you were dead...*cries*

Y/n: Aww Lis....

Lisa: I'm glad you are okay now! Do you know who took you and how you got home?

I guess no one told her. It makes sense. Yoongi seems to not want anyone to know he saved or that he's going to protect me.

Y/n: I was waiting for my date with Felix and felt a cloth over my mouth and blacked out. When I woke up I was in a room tied to a chair with a gag in my mouth. Two masked men came in and I immediately recognized Felix's voice. It turns out his plan all along was to play me to kidnap me so he can lure some guy who's called Mr.Suga... I still have no clue who they were talking about. I don't know how but I ended up in a safe house. I'm not allowed to tell anyone where I am though.

I don't know why I didn't tell her the truth. I could have just told her a group of boys saved me, but I didn't,

Y/n: Hey, I'll see you at school ok?

Lisa: Oh..ok

Y/n: Bye

Lisa: Bye

*hangs up*

Y/n: *sighs* Why am I feeling so distant today?

I finish my breakfast and then head back to the bathroom to brush my teeth before heading outside and catching a bus to school.

When I get to school I can feel everyone's eyes on me. Unlike other times when they were looking at me with disgust, lust, admiration, or fear, this time they were looking at me with pity and concern, and I ABSOLUTELY HATED IT!!

*stops in the middle of the hallway*

Y/n: *emotionless* Stop looking at me like that! All of you are looking at me like I'm something fragile that will break within a few seconds. Yeah, I went through something that most of you probably consider as traumatizing but I'm clearly fine so please just go about your business and stay out of mine! *walks away to class*

Boy 1: DAAAAMN!!!!

Boy 2: That was hot as fuck!!

Random girl: Rude!

*after last class*

School went by rather quickly. Luckily for me, after my little speech the weird looks stopped. I felt really bad but for some reason Lisa was REALLY getting on my nerves today. I know she means well and that she was just worried but I feel like she's being really clingy and It's annoying the hell out of me! I suddenly get a text from an unknown number.

*On the phone*

Unknown: After the halls and school grounds have cleared meet me in front of the gates

Me: Who is this?

Unknown: You seriously didn't save my number? You idiot

Me: Never mind I know who this. Ok I'll meet you there

*end of texts*

This time I save his number as I feel we will be talking to and seeing each other a lot more than we both want to. I put my books in my backpack and decide to listen to some music until time to go meet Yoongi at the front gate.

It only takes about 5 minutes for the school to be cleared so I put my phone in my backpack and head to our agreed meeting spot. When I get there he is sitting in a black truck waiting for me and tells me to get in with a blank expression and an annoyed tone in his voice.

The drive back to the manor is silent and filled with an awkward yet strangely relaxing aurora. It takes about 20 minutes to get there and when we do he get's out of the truck not saying a word before going inside.

I go inside and and change into a pair of shorts and a cropped tank top before heading to the gym in my wing. I take advantage of the weights, punching bag, and pull up bar to build up some more strength and to relive some of the tension I've been feeling today. After I work out I decide to take a hot shower and almost moan when I feel the hot water hitting my aching muscles. I run my fingers through my hair and grab my coconut scented shampoo and begin washing my hair.

After a few minutes I get out of the shower and dry my hair. Once I dry my hair I brush it out and then get dressed putting on a pair of black leggings and a white off the shoulder crop top. I go to my room and study for my upcoming biology test for a few hours. Once I'm done studying I head to the theater to see if there are any interesting movies in there. I decide on "After we collided".

I don't know why but the silence feels a little lonely. Usually the silence feels amazing and at peace but right now just feels, different. I decide to go in the backyard and explore the backyard a little bit after I finished the movie.

Behind the pool the backyard was surprisingly filled with beautiful flowers and plants. I walk over to the wooden swing that's hanging from a tree with beautiful purple blossoms. I take a seat on the swing and admire the beauty of the garden. I think this will be my new favorite place in the house.