Chapter 23

walks into the studio with Jackson and I see a familiar can't be!

Y/n: Jimin! *I rush over to him only to be met with the cold attitude of a man with blue hair*

Man: Do I know you?

Y/n:*bows* I'm sorry...I thought you were someone else

That's so weird, I could've sworn I saw Jimin! Maybe I'm imagining things because of my dreams. I go back to Jackson and wait for the instructions for today's class.

**2 hours later**

Me and Jackson exit the studio tired and sweaty from the new routine we learned today.

Jackson: I'm so tired and now I'm all sweaty!

Y/n: Same, I-

Someone in a black hoodie bumps into me and drops a small envelope.

Y/n: Wait you dropped something!

The person keeps on running and I follow them outside. I catch a small glimpse of the person's face as he gets into a black car behind a building.

Y/n: Jimin...

Now I know that I'm not just seeing things! I open up the envelope and find a note written in Yoongi's handwriting.

Note: Miss me?

WHAT THE HELL! Why is he suddenly sending Jimin to give me a note after TWO FUCKING YEARS! What does he want from me?! Was this another one of his fucking games!

I crumble the note up and throw it into the trash

Y/n: He can take his stupid note and shove it up his ass!

What the hell was he doing in the US anyway?!

Yoongi POV

Yoongi: Did you give it to her?

Jimin: Yeah. I wore my hoodie and pretended to bump into her so she wouldn't see who it was that delivered it.

Yoongi: Thank you Jimin

Jimin:*nods* But how do you know that she will take you back in her life?

Yoongi: I don't...I just hope that after I tell her everything she will understand and forgive me

Back to Y/n POV

*9:00 PM*

I lay in my bed with my head full of thoughts. How did he know which university I went to and which classes I was taking? Did he know other things about me like where I lived and work? This whole situation just confused me.

I feel my eyelids getting heavy and I slowly fall asleep. I'm transported to a field of flowers in the middle of the woods. I see Yoongi a few yards away stranding in a black suit. He has more tattoos than when I last saw him and his hair is black instead of blonde.

I find myself being drawn to him as I make my way to the boy. He gives me a sinister smile as I reach him.

Yoongi: I've been waiting for you~

He extends his arm and I take it walking alongside him untill we arrive at an arch above a clift.

Y/n: What are we doing here?

Yoongi: We're getting married of course!

He gives me another weird smile and a minister suddenly appears in front of us.

Minister: Do you Y/n take Yoongi to be your lawfully weded husband from this day on in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer for as long as you both shall live?

Y/n: I-I don't know! Stop this! Why are we getting married?!

Yoongi: Hush! The ceremony has not concluded yet!

Minister: Do you Yoongi take Y/n to be your lawfully weded husband from this day on in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer for as long as you both shall live?

Yoongi: I do

Minster: Great! I now pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss your bride!

Y/n: Did you even litsen to me?! I don't want to marry him!!

Yoongi leans forward as I take a step back.

Yoongi: Don't be scared I won't bite! *chuckles*

He snakes his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him.

Y/n: No! let me go!

He brings his lips closer to mine and I feel a sharp piercing pain in my abdomen. I look down and see my dress and hands covered in blood. Yoongi pulls away smirking.

Yoongi: You didn't think I'd actually marry you? Did you?

He keeps coming closer and I keep backing up... untill, I fall of the clift side. I scream and wake up sweating as my alarm goes off.

Y/n: *breathes heavily*

A/n: Thank you for reading leave your thoughts in the comments below :)