
There were no guards, no guns, no violent insurgents, nobody. I walked out of the elevator scanning the room. I looked out at a vast dark room filled with stacks of chairs, large round dining tables leaning on their sides against a wall and other equipment in the distance.

If these guys are invaders, I'm not impressed. I would have ordered them fan out and cover all the entrances. The last thing I'd want was to have someone come in and disrupt my invasion plans.

There was a stairwell next to the elevator. If they aren't covering the elevator on this level, would they be covering the stairwell on the hotel level? I'll never find out unless I try.

I opened the stairwell door and silently moved up the stairs. On the hotel level I pushed the door open just wide enough to check the area. Nobody. I slipped through the door, holding the handle to let it close silently. The elevator and stairwell were in a dark alcove in the back of a restaurant. I walked through the kitchen spotting a door with a window that looked out on the dining room. I moved quietly to the door and peered through the window.

Fear and tension filled the air. Garrick and Astrid were on the stage. Harding was on the stage on his knees, handcuffed. Joe and the three TAC security guys, Monty, Jake, and Roy were lying handcuffed face down on the floor in front of the podium.

Soldiers wearing black uniforms and black berets lined the perimeter of the lobby. Each man armed with a compact machine rifle with a curved magazine. The soldiers uniforms were new. The men didn't look battle worn, but each wore a mean scowl.

More soldiers surrounded the base inhabitants crowded together cowering on the dance floor. Everyone seemed to be waiting for something. I hoped they weren't waiting for my arrival; I had no intention of joining this party.

There was a scuffle at the far end of the lobby. Four guards struggled to pull Wanda and Gus into the room, shoving them to the center of the dance floor. Wanda's hair was disheveled, and her dress was torn revealing her bra strap. The side of Gus's head was bleeding. Probably hit with the butt of a compact rifle. The guards forced Gus and Wanda to their knees. Gus glared angrily at the two strangers on the stage.

Garrick checked a tablet then nodded to Astrid. I can't believe he's using a tablet. What kind of low-tech culture do these people come from? Astrid stepped to the microphone. "Now that we have everyone in attendance let me say once again, we have come in peace. Do not resist and no harm will come to you. We are your greatest admirers. The work you have done is amazing. No government or company has achieved the development of a self-sustaining community on the Moon, until now. As Commander Harding said, you have created a new economy, a burgeoning city of commerce. We will be a significant part of this growth."

"You are part of this. You own the first hotel on the moon, what more do you want?" Harding shouted.

"Everything. I am General Astana. Beside me stands General Sultanov. We are the resurrection of the Kazakhs of the Great Horde. We are the great warriors of the Scythian kingdom, sons of Khan. Our lands have been invaded and tread upon for centuries. Our necks will never again be under the conquerors boot. The countries Earth calls Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan are united as The Confederation of Central Asian States. We are bound by an ancient brotherhood that shall stand undivided for eternity. The Moon is our new empire."

"You can't just take what we have built," Gus called out.

"We don't take it. We will administer its control. CAS, the sons of Khan will replace TAC. Nothing else needs to change," Garrick said.

Harding tried to stand but a soldier pushed him back to his knees. "This base was built by willing participants, governments, universities and private companies cooperating, working together. Look at the diversity of the people here. We represent at least fifty nationalities. You can't force that."

"We will not force anyone. The countries and companies you speak of will not lose their investments. They will cooperate with us. The hotel will open on schedule. Tourists will come. You will continue your work. In the coming days, our ambassadors will meet with the leaders of TAC on Earth. Everything will continue as it has, under the administration of CAS. TAC personnel, including you Commander Harding will be sent to Earth on the first available ship," Astrid spoke in a sinister tone.

I knew there was something strange about those two, but I never imagined they planned to take control of the base. I can't let this happen, but what can I do against one hundred armed soldiers. This was not the time to be hasty or foolish.

Garrick checked his tablet then spoke to Astrid. She stepped to the front of the stage looking over the crowd of frightened people before her. "Where is that strange little man, the one who drove us from the landing pad? He isn't on the roster." she asked.

"The criminal, Frank Callahan was an illegal stowaway. He was arrested and flown back to Earth," Harding said loudly so everyone was sure to hear.

"Good. He talked too much. A very annoying little man," Astrid said satisfied.

She thinks I'm an annoying little man. Give me the chance, I'll show her annoying.

Garrick, the blue-eyed freak was speaking again, talk about annoying. "My men will escort base inhabitants to their quarters. We have reinstated base communications so you can continue working. Do not abuse this privilege. Communication links to Earth are down. Do not attempt to communicate with anyone outside the base."

"And if we don't comply?" Harding asked with a snarl. That's our boy scout. Harding won't give up without a fight. He's a true leader, that one.

"I truly hoped you wouldn't make this a difficult transition. We are a peaceful people, but I must admit, I have a personal fault. You see, I am short on patience. Now you force me to make a point," Astrid nodded to the soldier standing over Harding. The man raised his weapon pointing it at the back of Harding's head. No, not Harding, I wanted to scream.

Astrid almost imperceptibly tilted her head and in a flash the soldier aimed and shot a TAC security guard in the leg. Gasps of shock echoed through the lobby. The air was thick with fear. Everyone watched in horror as the handcuffed man howled writhing and rolling in pain leaving streaks of blood on the floor. When he turned his head, I saw that it was Monty.

Astrid smiled. She seemed to absorb fear giving her more power. She raised her hands to the frightened people as if pleading. "If I am being fully honest, I also have an extremely short temper. Who would you like to test me?" No one moved or said a word. "No one wishes to test my anger. You disappoint me. Cowards. You've spoiled my evening fun."

The base inhabitants cowered in shock agonized by the continued cries from the injured man.

"Is there a doctor present?" Garrick asked. No one moved. "A base this size surely has a medical team. Doctor, you have a patient. Please attend to him," he said. The base doctor emerged from the crowd, groveled before Astrid and Garrick, then went to the injured man.

"Take Commander Harding and his men to the Brig," Astrid ordered. "The rest of you, follow my men to the escalators." The soldier behind Harding lifted him to his feet by his handcuffs wrenching the commanders arms. Harding shoved his shoulder into the man's chest sending him backward. Harding's move was met with a rifle butt to the head and he slumped to the floor. Two soldiers grabbed Harding by the arms and drug him across the lobby floor.

Soldiers herded frightened people to the escalators, prodding the slow movers with rifle barrels. I watched as Norm, Tristan and Greta were pushed to the moving stairs. Four guards flanked Gus and Wanda. I wanted to signal Gus. I wanted to let him know I was there, that I would help but I knew if I tried anything, the guards would see me. I wouldn't be any help if I were in the Brig with Harding, so I stood there watching helplessly. I did nothing as my friends were beaten, shot, and dragged across the floor and it pissed me off.