

Pari dragged yuvi to the garden. Here the group of so-called friends started to question,

"Hey! Zara, what's going on here, how do you know that illiterate girl, and why the hell is she calling you as Alamelu?" one guy asked

Zara laughed like a maniac.

"Hoho! Guys, what happened to you all, I did not change my name, and what illiterate girl? Do you know who she is? Oh my god! save these kids from her" she exclaimed in a dramatic way.

"She is YUVI MITHRAN 's wife, she was working in the village while we went to his wedding. That's all we know, how do you know her?" Another asked.

"You guys are really dumb, I feel sad for not attending their wedding if I had known she is the bride I surely would have gone there, that devil didn't say,anything! " she said.

"ZARA come to the point. How do you know her and why does she call you Alamelu?" he lost his cool in suspense.

"Oho! Wait dear, what you guys told she is illiterate? This is total bullshit! She is a gold medalist in her masters that too from the top university of Uk she is a criminology postgraduate and one more thing she knows 7 languages, freaking 7 languages! You are telling her that she is illiterate? Oh! my god you are dumb people. Ok, I accept she is a village girl but not totally a village girl" she almost shouted.

"Whattttttt…??!!" all shouted in unison.

"Yeah! One more thing she is an I.P.S officer. She got transferred here last week. She is the DCP of the crime department, Chennai" she said.

"Whattt!?" once more they shouted. They themselves couldn't identify whether it is either a question or exclamation.

"Don't shout guys!! One thing I will tell you, don't poke your nose into her matters she won't spare anyone of you. She will be like a sweet angelic person but if it comes to her enemy she is a devil so be careful of her" she spoke and left.

All were shocked to the core and all colors in their faces drained out.

All were silent for an hour till our dashing couple gave an entry.

They directly went to Zara...


After my confrontation, we went directly to Zara.

But one thing my love for him increased a lot after that!

He is a gentleman, sweet, cute, handsome, and to say in a word HE IS INCREDIBLE!

I'm gonna get mad soon because of him only because of him.

Oh! God, I'm already madly in love with him.

I was not the one who believes in love at first sight but see now my god I can't. I can't resist him.

We reached Zara, our hands intertwined, it gave me goosebumps all over my body.

She was with her parents.

"How are you dad and mom?" I enquired about them.

Umm yeah! I and Deepthi call them mom and dad. The same for Zara. She calls my dad as dad too.

"We are not at all fine. How dare you, did not even inform me about your wedding" he said in slight anger.

"Sorry, dad! I didn't know it was my wedding" I said with a sad puppy face.

"He is just overreacting Pari! Just now we called Deepthi and got the information" mom said.

"Dad! In Second, you gave me a heart attack" I exclaimed.

He smiled and patted my shoulder.

"Mr.Yuvimithran dare you to hurt my daughter. I won't spare you!" Dad threatened him.

He smiled and put his hand over my shoulder and said

"More than your daughter SHE IS MY WIFE NOW! MY ANGEL! I WILL DO ANYTHING FOR HER SAKE, DON'T WORRY MR.MATHEWS" He finished saying looking into my eyes, it held something, something that I could not understand.

"I believe you don't disappoint me, son," Dad said.

"Never ever sir!" He said with great confidence.

"No more formalities, call me uncle, YUVIMITHRAN," Dad said.

"Same applies to you too uncle you can call me yuvi," He said with a breathtaking smile.

I drowned in that smile. Seriously it's contagious, if we see him smiling we'll get addicted to it and it is more dangerous than ecstatic drugs.

You'll fall prey to it and here I already fell head over heels.

I was admiring him (shamelessly ogling at him), they were talking something seriously, suddenly he turned towards me and asked "what" by raising his eyebrows, I just shook my head as nothing and again started chatting with them.

Mom and dad excused themselves and moved from us to meet someone. As soon as they moved Zara asked...

"Lieben Sie ihn?" She asked.

(Do you love him?)

" Ja, ich liebe ihn. Aber woher wusstest du das? I said, looking at him.

(Yes, I love him. But how did you know?)

He looked at me confused, I just nodded as nothing and asked Zara that,

"Did YUVI'S friends question you?" I asked smilingly.

He frowned at my words.

She told the whole story.

"At last! You told them I'm a devil and frightened them. How? Why?" I faked my anger.

"You are absolutely a devil!" she said.

"See yuvi she is telling me that, I am a devil! Am I? I asked with a puppy face.

"You may be a devil for others but you're always an angel for me! Okay! And in Zara's case she just teased you" He said. I just smiled at him.

Oh, Man! I again fell for him. Soon I'll get bandaged I think ufff! This all feels unreal!

"Ok! Come let's go and give them the taste of their own medicine," I said, smirking.

We went and stood in front of them, they seemed to be shocked and dull.

"Hello! Everyone, great businessmen!! I said teasingly.

Hi, hello.. they replied confused.

"Actually I came here to give some treats to you people," I said sarcastically.

"Who is the one, mocked MY HUSBAND that I 'm illiterate," I asked in a cold voice not letting out any emotions on my face. No one budged. Next time I raised my voice and asked.

This time one said arrogantly.

"I am the one, what will you do? Gonna hang me?" .he asked me in a high pitch.

Oh! You, my child, you did wrong in raising your voice against me that too when you were wrong.

"Ooooh! so you are the one!" I said smirkingly.

"Yess," he said with the same pitch

"So! You literate boy what did you study? I asked him coldly but in a taunting way.

"B.E" ( Bachelor of engineering) he said confused and also arrogantly.

you've done it wrong once more you lad.

"Then?" I asked.

"That's all!" he said.

" That's all? You know what, I completed my masters" I said proudly.

"Where did you study?" I asked again.

"Abc college" Now he started losing against me. I smirked.

"Oho! Boy, I've heard that the one who with money can study there but not with the brain" I taunted him.

"Youuuu" I interrupted.

Oho! You can't fight against me man.

"Wait! wait! lemme finish. What's your percentage? Tell me the truth because I have my ways to check" I asked him with an authoritative tone.

"69.6%," he said his head hung down.

"You know what I'm the topper of my university, in fact, gold medalist and yuvi he has good scores too I think, isn't it yuvi? I smirked and turned towards yuvi.

"Yess! Pari, I have a distinction" He said with a soft smile.

"So when you have more holes in your socks. Why do you want to make it worse by mocking others? So mind your own business" I said in a sarcastic way.

"And those who are here understand this not only him, I'm warning each and everyone here, if I ever see you doing this to anyone, I won't spare you understood? and don't think I'm just a police officer, I am a businesswoman too" I warned them it might be a threat.

We turned to go out but before that, I turned towards them and said,


And we moved out of the party hall and reached our car...

All the way from the hall to the car, yuvi was gawking at me with a wide-open mouth and eyes.

Hehehe! He is cute now also.