Life is Beautiful!


I took Pari to our villa. I think she liked it.

It was my dream to build my own villa for my family. But mom is totally against it.

She will always say the same dialogue whenever I ask her to shift here,

"After your marriage, you go there and stay with your wife and I will not come, because I will not feel like that is my home and who knows you may leave us if your wife says"

Seriously I don't know why she is thinking like that, will she do the same if she had her in-laws alive? No right!

And why the hell she is thinking like that. Really, I m happy pari is my wife and my mom adores I will not have the need, to choose between wife and mother. And that is called a joint family.

And I know Pari My angel will not do things which will harm our family relationship.

My thoughts were snapped by my one only caring and daring wife. Yup! Caring and daring are her allelic features which do not blend but are together. She won't express both characters to a person, she knows when to make her caring nature. And she is an ATTITUDISTIC person. But that does not mean that she got a bad attitude.

My wife is calling.

AWWW! It's cool to hear right. She has some force that pulls me towards her. My wife! My angel! My pari.

Its soo cool to hear right, "MRS.PARINITHI YUVIMITHRAN. I.P.S."

Yup! I like to hear IPS with her name, its a part of her.

"you designed it right?" she asked.

"Yup! My first ever design" I said.

God! Really? I zoned out!

She asked how every, things are here already and I replied to her.

She is asking me to take her shopping. I m glad. I enjoy spending time with her. So I agreed.

She said that I will regret taking her.

Why would I? We earn to live happily to spend on what we want or to simply keep it as treasure. We do hard work and earn only to lead a happy life. We can save for the future but not by ignoring the necessities and small happiness.

I said "I will not " she frowned.

It's cute when she does these sweet expressions.

And I m happy that she takes rights in me without hesitation.

I love the fact that she thinks everything as our's not as mine or her's.

Then she went up, to get freshen up. I showed her our room here. I was waiting for her downstairs.

She came..... she came.... like a doll!

Ahhh! She was cute in that attire.

she wore a white pencil jean paired with a sherbert orange blouse her shoulder-length free-flowing silky curled hair.

One word "Just Gorgeous".

Then we went to the mall after shopping groceries, we went to eat before going to the garments section because we know it will take time.

And when she told me about the dare and asked me to prank. I thought whether she is crazy but I did it to prove, that I m not a silent one.

And one more thing, she is talkative, very talkative. God!! I think I should keep her away from sid otherwise these two will screw my head one day. Sid is the same as her.

But I enjoyed the day, then she asked for a movie and we went.

You know what? I thought we will go to a romantic film but see here, she is "Pari" right? so she wanted to see a horror film that too night show.

We came back home and slept in each other's arms. I love her in my arms and to be in her arms.

And wait...

I have a surprise for her.

The next morning I was the one who woke up first. So without disturbing her I went down and cooked for us and was waiting for them to arrive.

Yup! I've invited sid and Deepu for today. And this is the surprise.

I call her Deepu and she becomes a little close to me. Pari was little amused as deepu is a moody type girl but she speaks with me well.

First, Siddharth arrived in his Royal Enfield.

Godd! Ok, leave that yuvi. I convinced myself.

Deepu reached here with her driver.

I told her to send him back.

They asked about Pari, I told them she is sleeping as she had more work yesterday.

I told them to arrange the table and went up to woke her up.

She was sleeping there hugging a pillow. I went and opened the curtain she snuggled into the duvet.

I chuckled seeing her. I went and sat on the bed and ruffled her hair.

"Good morning! Angel wake up, it's already 9 30"... I said

"10 mins darling, pleasee" she whined.

"No wake-up," I said and ruffled her hair again.

She caught my hands and kept it under her head and laid her head in my lap.

Sweet! I'll let her sleep like this even for a whole but now they are waiting for us downstairs.

I know how to wake her up.

"Wifey!! Hoi wifey! wake up soon wifey" And that's how a baby punch landed on my shoulder.

"Don't blush wifey, come on wake up, freshen up and come down we will have breakfast" I said giggling.

"Oh! Come on darling it's too cheesy" she whined.

"And then how is your darling huh?" I bounced her question back.

"Go you monkey!" she whined again went towards the washroom.

"Oh! Okay, monkey's wifey" I snapped back.

Before she could throw something at me I ran down.

"Darling! Darling! she descended singing it.

And now its time for those two to mock at me. They gave an evil smile and I returned a cheeky smile.

As she came these two hid in the kitchen.

She made some cute faces and asked me how is her new dress which we bought in yesterday's shopping.

"How is this darling?" she asked.

"It is awesome angel!" I said.

"Sid and Deepthi how is it? My husband's choice is awesome right?" she asked.

I was dumbstruck. We heard a sound from the kitchen and when we went and saw sid was lying on the floor and Deepthi was standing like a thief cat.

"sid! What happened? I asked as he was laying down dramatically.

"What an intelligence! What an intelligence! what a wife you got!" he said dramatically keeping his hand in the chest.

"Drama King" Deepthi muttered under her breath but we all heard that.

"How Pari? How? How did you find us?" he asked.

How? I asked to myself inside me.

"Huh! What's the big deal I saw your bike from the balcony and about Deepthi, even after knowing me how did you forget your handkerchief. No one here uses floral printed kerchiefs" she said.

" Brother in law didn't say anything but I said to this idiot that you'll find us, but he didn't believe" she pointed towards sid.

"Oh! Okay, I m famished let us have breakfast" she exclaimed.

"Okay! But I didn't forget your darling" sid smirked at her.

"And do you think, I will forget my darling" she caught hold of my arms and said dramatically.

Deepthi and I burst into laughter, sid showed a sulky face, and Pari was smirking at him.

"What did you think? I'll get shy and blush. So you can enjoy teasing us huh!" she laughed at him.

"Go girl! You are always beyond expectations" he said with fake anger.

"Oh! Come on better luck next and now let's eat" she said it like a teacher.

We moved to the table and started serving us. And now sid and pari teamed up teasing us.

And this is how the day went...


Its been a month with my crazy wife. We are having good progress in our relationship.

In this one month, I've seen many versions of Pari.

We share our household works as we don't have or want a maid. We both cook together on Sundays and rest days any one of us will do according to our working schedule. The same goes for the rest of the works.

She respects everyone who works under her. And now I told her driver to stay in outhouse here.

She told me that, he doesn't have family and as she is working in a special team so she got him to transfer along with their team because she trusts him more and the same goes with her team.

One day she introduced me to her team and we all are in contact. Especially her friend Karthick.

And about her driver, he adores her like daughter...

She has a hectic schedule sometimes.

She'll be late and sometimes she'll go early and that's why I asked him to stay here.

She cares for me and our family. She tries her best to spend time with me.

She has never shown " Hey, I m an IPS " attitude and that made my respect towards her more. But I cannot change the fact that she has an attitude but she will not show that using her power.

And she feels that, she cannot be a good wife. And giving more work to me, she feels guilty for that.

I cleared her thoughts,

"See Pari a good wife is not the one who does all cooking, cleaning, washing in a perfect way without giving any works to her husband but the one who cares not only for him but also to his family, not only loves him but everyone in his family. In my point of view a good wife is a one who does not consider you and me and considers everything of them as ours (theirs) and who gives shoulder to her partner when he is in need and never gives upon him.

I know My Pari cares for everyone, loves everyone, and will support me when I'm in need, won't you?"

I explained and questioned her.

She just told "I will" and hugged me tightly.

And this month passed like heaven with warmth filled hugs, pecks and cuddles.

I Love this life, Life is beautiful.