

What just happened now?

Did she slap me?

Freaking she slapped me!

I was out of words, I just walked out.

As I reached the ground floor my teammate Francis called,

"Yeah, Francis?"

" Mam, the DIG (Deputy Inspector General) is here and also SP sir is here too!"

"Did they ask about me?'

"Nope mam, DIG didn't have breakfast it seems so, SP sir took him to the nearby restaurant"


"SP sir told to inform you to come faster!"

"Yeah! Okay, thank you, Francis. I am on my way I will reach there within half an hour!" I said.

"And you guys prepare the serial murder file, I will bring the drug report with me"

"Yeah mam, I will see it!"

"Yup!" I said and hopped in the car.

I reached my office and rushed to my department.

" Did they return back?" I asked my teammates who were working in small cubicles in front of my office.

"No mam, still not!" Francis came forward, everyone saluted at me.

"Take this a copy and keep in the cabinet 2. Bring me back the original we have to handover it to the higher officials!"

"Yes, Mam!" He said went to make them a copy.

"So team, assemble here!" I called my whole team to the round table with a board where we discuss the cases mostly.

"So here, in this case, we have some shreds of clues. I want everyone to say about the case and your suspicions!"

" The main thing that attracted my eyes is the baby products which were found with every corpse, I feel it may be something related to children," I said my point.

" Mam, every corpse was wrapped in a violet silk cloth. So, does it mean this is something connected with the riches? Why one should wrap in a silk cloth?"

"Mam, all are young women so does it somehow relate to harassment or like that?" A junior officer asked.

"No, there is less chance for that, as the forensic report says nothing! If it was harassment then we would have found some nail mark or something like that. But there is nothing, not even fingerprints!" I said she noted in her note pad.

That's when I remembered something,


"Yeah, mam!" He came with the printed copies.

"What happened to the glass piece that I gave you?"

"I have to go get the results after the meeting mam!"

"Okay!" "Next!"

"Why the killer has to murder only on Tuesday's? There should be a reason for that?"

"Yea...." I was interrupted by a lady constable.

"Pari madam! The DIG and the SP are here. They told to inform you"

"Yeah! I will be there in a minute!"

"Okay! Start checking the footage of the surroundings, I will be back soon"

"Yes, mam!"

"Francis, take care of the report!"

"Yeah, mam!" He said in a professional voice.

"Sara, give me the file!" I asked the junior on my team.

"Here mam!"

She gave me, I left there after muttering thanks.

I knocked on the private conference room.

"Come in!" SP sir granted permission to enter.

I changed my files to my left hand and saluted them.

" Good Morning sirs"

"Good Morning Mrs. Parinithi IPS" DIG said in a strict voice.

"Good Morning Parinithi, how is Karthick?"

"Fine sir! I visited him just before arriving here"

"What happened to him?" DIG asked getting confused.

"He was drugged and attempt to murder sir. It was a threat to me!"

"Threat to you? And what happened to him?"

"Sir, he drugged with a rare drug here are his reports!" I handed over the reports to him.

"Continue, what is the threat about?"

"I am seriously confused with this thing sir, the threat came when I was injured when we closed the last case.

He sent a bunch of specialist doctors to check on me and sent a letter with them"

"Interesting!" He said chuckling, I gritted my teeth.


"The letter said that no one should touch me or be close to me not even my husband. At first, I took it as an empty threat that we receive usually but he proved it. He tried for an accident with my husband and then threatened me with another letter while I visited my brother in law. And now my brother Karthick, he touched me it seems!" I completed with a sigh.

"How many letters did you receive and how can say that Karthick was drugged by him?"

"I received three letters one from the doctors he sent only female doctors, then one in my brother in law's university and the third in the Karthicks belongings which I got from the hospital!"

"Did you check CCTV's ?"

"Yes, sir! But everything is empty, I mean crashed from the last two months. Wherever I was!"

"So, he is stalking you? Do you have many suspects? Or maybe a trick for diverting you?"

"No, sir! I am sure it's not for diverting!"

"How are you sure?"

"How can you be so sure?"

" I am sure because I don't have any case bending from my past, I solved everything if it was a threat to the current case then this started just weeks before and also I got the first letter before I got this case so there is no connectivity with this case or any other older cases"

"So this threat case involves the drugs, right?"

"Yes, sir!"

"Does your family knows about this?"

"No, sir! Karthick, me, my team, and now you sir!"

"Okay! We should involve the NCB (Narcotic control bureau) now. I will produce the file and will get an officer from the bureau you should just help them! Okay?"

"Yes, sir!"

"Okay, now what about the serial murders?"

"Sir, we are trying our best. We found a few shreds of information, we are lining them into some clues"

"So, no improvement that's what you are saying right?" He asked I hung my head low.

"You know the seriousness right? We should do something before this Tuesday otherwise we have to deal with the next murder and another one will lose their life!"

"Yeah, I know sir! But we aren't getting anything I checked with the surrounding too, I will be quick as soon as possible sir!"

"Yes! Do it fast we shouldn't lose the next life!"

"Sure sir!"

"You can leave now!"

"Yes, sir. Thank you, sir!" I saluted them again and left with the files.

I came out and was about to get into my department.

A voice interrupted me,


I stood rooted where I was.

I turned to see Zara.


She came and hugged me.


"That's fine!" I smiled.

"I am really sorry, I overreacted. I know I shouldn't have reacted like that!" Her tears touched my shoulders.

"Hey! It's nothing. I was just shocked, that was the first time I got slapped. So, was just traumatized"

"I was emotional, sorry!"

"That's totally fine, the mistake was mine too!"

"Nope, you just cared for me but I didn't care for you!" She muttered slowly.

"I said right? That's totally fine! F I N E!"

"You didn't take me wrong right?"

"Nope, I didn't you just thought me as your friend and took rights on me! In fact, I am happy that someone is there to punish me when I do something wrong!"

" So, I punished you?" She asked in the middle.

I really didn't think anything. Yes, it was her rights to know about him I shouldn't have restricted it.

And I was just shocked at the effect, this was the first time someone slapped me.

That's it I didn't feel anything more than this.

She just took rights on me as a friend, I liked it.

"You know friends and family can punish!" I winked at her.

"Thank god! That brother and sister of yours frightened me with serious dialogues"

"You know about them right? They are like that!"

"Huh! Yeah, drama queens!" She exclaimed we giggled.

" Okay! I am getting late, have lots of works to do. See you soon"

"Yup, then I will leave"

"Okay! But you came by?"

"I came with Sid, now I will go by cab"

"Nope! Wait, will send my driver to drop you home"

" I have to go to the office, I will go myself"

"It's okay, it's hard to get a cab in peak hours. So, I will ask him to drop you!"

"Okay!" I hugged her and dialed my driver's number and asked whether if he could drop Zara.

"Yeah! Mam, I will drop her. No problem!"

"Thank you brother"

"Zara my old driver is on leave. So, the new one might not know you. You know my car right you go yourself to the parking"

"Yup, sure!"


"See you!"

After sending off her I went inside my department and searches for Francis.


"Yeah, mam!"

"Did Francis return?" I asked her.

"No mam! He didn't still" She replied with a polite smile.

"I am here mam" He came towards us.

"Mam, the results!"

"Thank you! Did you see the report?"

" No mam, I came in a hurry!"

"Okay! Give me let me check it!" I bought it and opened the envelope.

The results made my eyes grow wide.