New Entry

Pari took the report from Francis and read it once again.

"What can we do next mam?" Francis asked Pari.

"What do you think, we should do?" Pari gritted the words, not angry on him. But annoyed with the happenings.

"I don't have any idea mam! This is the first time we are handling a case that involves animals!" He said.

"Yeah, but do you think can a koala bear kill someone?" Pari voiced out her thoughts.

" I seriously don't have any idea about this! I don't know much about this Koala's " He shrugged.

"Even I don't have!" Pari replied to him.

There prevailed a deep silence, both were analyzing things.

Pari behaves very strictly with Francis more than with anyone as Francis is also a moody creature but a talented one. He is in the third position after Pari and Karthick.

Pari trusts him more than anyone in her team.

Francis adores his senior officer Pari a lot he is too close with Karthick that makes him open up with Karthick.

He is a moody creature during working hours but somewhat normal, keyword - somewhat normal with Kathick outside work.

Pari sometimes feels that Sara and Francis have some feelings for each other but their ego blinds their feelings.

Both of them bicker often, truth to be said not often but "Always".

He doesn't give a shit to others but it doesn't apply to Sara, a word from Sara he won't sit idle he will do something and it always ends up hurting her.

Then he will feel guilty and will give chocolates as an apology.

Everyone in the office knows about them but Pari was strict in restricting the gossip thing so there was no problem till now.

Sara never shows her hurt in her face but he knows it when he buys her a then she will melt.

Pari likes Sara very much as she is a bubbly girl her presence makes the environment energetic. But still, she is a good observer.

Many say a good observer will always be the silent one who speaks less but in her case it is different, she is a clever worker but sweet.

Pari's team includes 10 members excluding the SP.

She has three technicians who work with cybertechniques and all about them.

The first three grade officers after SP Amit Singh are first Parinithi, Karthick, then comes Francis. The other four officers assist them by filing the investigations and recording things. They are Assistant investigators.

Sara is the new investigator who joined a year ago.

As she is a junior she does every work her seniors give but sometimes it leads to a hectic schedule, the only thing Francis hates. She hesitates to say "No!"

They came out of their trances when someone interrupted them.

"Mam, I got a thought suddenly" It was none other than Sara herself.

"Yeah?" Pari asked.

"What is that?" Francis asked.

"Actually I have a friend, she is a zoologist we can ask her about Koalas. She is a research scientist. She is my best friend so I can assure the confidentiality" She said.

"That's good Sara but let us wait still I am not at a stable mind. I am just processing whatever happened now!"

"Yeah! That's fine mam!" She was again in deep thoughts.

"Sara, Francis I need some clarity. Help me with it!" She said and went inside her cabin.

"Yeah, mam!" They said in the chorus.

"Let me grab my notepad!" She started moving.


"yes, sir!" She pressurized the word, sir.

"Idiot!" He muttered under her breath.

"Grab mine too! Here," He gave his cupboard key.

He doesn't like her calling, sir. But she does it to irritate him.

They were close, they trusted each other but their ego was their barrier.

She wants, him to propose. He was like, he wanted to settle before getting into a relationship.

After she got the notepad they knocked on her door.

They went inside and started their discussions.

Some souls were burning in jealousy.

"So here we go, let's start with the thing that started first!"

" The murder case?" Sara asked.

" Nope, the stalking one! It started a day before I got this case"

"So both don't have any seams?"

"Not sure but, might not!" She strongly believed it was not related to this case.

" I got three letters, the first one from the doctors!"

"CCTV in the hospital?" Sara asked.

"Crashed! And people didn't notice weird right?"

"How come? How come none noticed?"

"That's what plucking my mind too, how come?" Pari groaned.

"Point one to be noted!" Francis said both noted in the note pad.

"Mam, did you enquire about the patients present there?" Sara asked.

"Yeah, we did but the hospital management said that it was specialists consultation area it seems and as their duty was over there were no patients"

"CCTV crashed, no patients! It looks like preplanned, is it not?"

"Even I felt the same Sara but how can it be? You know the injuries were expected but only by us. Not even our team technicians know what happened there that until we said it! Then how?"

"How the hell can he know?" Pari yelled in frustration.

"Hmm? Maybe a spy in our team?"

"Maybe, but I don't think so because I know everyone personally"

"You know mam, betrayal comes from the people who are close to us!" Sara said.

Pari gave a concerned look, whereas Francis gave a confused look.

" What do you mean?" Francis exclaimed,

"That's none of your business, sir!" She said sweetly.

He didn't want to create a scene in front of Pari so he left it hanging.

" About the second letter?" Sara asked thinking about something.

"The second letter in Sid's workplace...

They continued their discussion.


" Sorry, Mr.Varma we can't standby your plan, we already cleared this to you. We are not at all interested in accepting MI enterprises!"

"But why? Don't I have a say in this?"

"You have a say, Mr. Varma, I mean you can suggest or advise but you have no right to insist and you know that!"

" And you know that this is not your company to order around the broad members!" He smirked without knowing the consequence of his words.

"Damn it! That's the limit for my patients don't push my buttons"

"HA HA HA! Push your buttons? Whatever! But you have no rights to speak like this to the board members"

" And you have no rights to say that to my son in law. You know what, this is really hilarious! What is the percentage of share you have here?"

"12%," He said a monotonous answer.

" You know how much he has? His wife has 35% in here and he has 5% in his name, he holds the Power attorney for his wife. So technically 40%. So, what do you think he can?" He asked with a smirk.

"Oh, oh! Here my young son in law, he holds 30%. So they are the major shareholders, what do you think you can do? Dare to insult my son in law once again, if you do then you have to face many warriors on the field he himself first, then his wife and then me!"

"How can it be? I didn't know?"

"It's your fault all the others knew this! You were busy scratching the company properties so you didn't have time to know all this, so sad!" He said with a fake sad face.

"Please withdraw your shares, Mr. Varma. We don't have enough time to play with you, we have more works!" Balakrishnan sighed.

Yuvi went near him whispered in his ears,

"You taught this to your daughter?"


"Way to nose cut others!"

"Why did she do something?"

"Yeah! Kinda"

"My daughter, right?" He winked at Yuvi.

"Your carbon copy!" He muttered and then continued their meeting.

"So, what have you decided now?" Yuvi asked him calmly.

"HA HA HA" He laughed like a lunatic.

"Gone mad?" Now Sid whispered.

"Kinda, I think!" Balakrishnan frowned.

Yuvi felt something strange.

"Mr. Varma can you please stop laughing, learn to be professional!" Yuvi yelled.

"You are teaching me professionalism? HA HA HA" He laughed once again.

Now everyone was confused, no dared to support Mr. Varma as they know there is no profit with his deal only he can earn that too with his scams.

He didn't want anything but to destroy them now. He is a man of scams and scandals, he is one of the old partners who were here from the start of the company that made Balakrishnan forgive his small scams but not now because this now big one; if they leave this Varma, then they would lose more like half of the profit, their London deal was really a big one.

Yuvi had a strange feeling, everyone present there felt the same.

"Hear, you don't have to worry about me, I will go out once the new owner of my shares reaches here!" He said nonchalantly.

"What?!" Everyone yelled, the silent discussions broke in the hall, everyone was aware of Yuvi's take over but his one was something new.

"What are saying?" One of the board members asked all had shares in single digits.

"Yes, I sold my shares to someone" The lunatic replied.

"Who is he?" Yuvi frowned.

"He is out of the building, he will be here in 5 minutes," He said with an evil grin.

The entry of the new one froze Yuvi...