The outburst


" Time for the press meet" Francis declared. 

" She is gonna give press meet in this condition?" Yuvi asked looking at messy Pari. 

" Maybe if mam gives permission I could handle it," Francis said to Yuvi looking at Pari. 

" You are not doing it, Pari! This would cause more problems, don't mess it up " 

" No, I have to answer their questions. It's my duty to give them their answers" She wiped the tears that were rolling down the cheeks. 

" What's this?" Yuvi gasped seeing her hand, which had blood.

It means she is injured.

" it's just... Just a small wound" She muttered and stood from her chair which made Yuvi stand too. 

" What the hell are you thinking, Pari?" Yuvi yelled in frustration. 

" You are just hurting yourself. It wouldn't make anything better. You know that! Then, Why are hurting yourself? Say, for god sake say!"