

Everyone was anxious about the happenings. 

The words were ringing in Yuvi's ears. 

" What did she mean?" 

" What did she mean?" He yelled, the nurse who was giving first aid jerked away. 

Sid ran to him. 

"Yuvi this is hospital!" He scolded him.

" What did she mean Sid? Who will not leave us live in peace? Who the hell is he?" 

" Yuvi, please be calm!" 

" How do you expect me to be calm? I don't understand a f*ck that's happening here?" 


" Does it because of her past?" He continued ranting whatever came in his mouth. 

Sid sent the nurse outside. 

" Yuvi, can you stop it?" Sid asked calmly.

"How should..." His words were interrupted by the slap on his cheeks.