

" Nice meeting you! Baby's mom?" He asked kissing Nakshathra's forehead. 

" She is no more! She died giving birth to her, pregnancy complication." He said caressing Nakshathra's hair. 

" Oh, sorry!" He apologized.

" Nothing to be worried about, she left the shine of my life for me." He said and kissed her cheeks. She stirred in sleep.

" That's why Nakshathra?" Yuvi smiled. 

Nakshathra means Star. 

" Yup!" 

"Divii!". Someone called Divya from their back, Divya's face brightened up. 

" See you all tomorrow, my cousin is here to pick me up!" She said brightly. 

" He is only, a cousin?" Parinithi asked after seeing the brightness in her face. 

" No! My fiance!" She said blushing. 

" I knew it!" Parinithi chuckled. 

" See ya at work! Now bye!" She ran away from there taking her luggage. 

" Shall we?" Raj asked. 

" Actually, sorry!" She said scratching her head.