

 Sid opened the door. 

" Welcome home!" He exclaimed a welcome. But when he turned, he saw her standing with tears rolling down her cheeks. She shut her eyes tightly and cried. 

For a minute he couldn't understand what happened he stood still until she falls on her knees. 

He rushed to her and took her in his arms. 

" Deepu, what happened? Why are you crying?" He asked caressing her hair. 

" I don't like myself, Sid! I don't like myself! I am unworthy of all your love!" She cried more. 

 He didn't know what triggered her. He let her cry for a minute, then cupped her face and wiped her tears with his thumb. 

" Who said, you are unworthy? Did anyone say that?" He asked, she nodded as no. 

" Then why are you saying like that?" 

" Because I know it myself! I am unworthy of all your love!" She cried. 

He lifted her up in the air. 

He walked to the couch and placed her there.