

" Yeah, Tuesday. Is that possible?" Parinithi asked Francis. 

" Yes, mam!" 

" Okay, I will clear it with Yuvi and will intimate you!" She said and barged into Yuvi's cabin at his office. 

He was signing a file, Jose is secretary and a middle-aged woman who she doesn't know was also standing there. 

She entered the cabin her shoulder slumped with a pout on her face. 

As soon as he was her his face lightened up. 

" Yuviiiiiiiiiiiiii..." She entered the cabin whining. 

" Darling? You are here?" He asked with a smile. 

" Jose, see here. Am I not welcomed here?" She asked him who returned a smile. 

" Of course, you are welcomed! Who can not welcome the real boss!" He said brightly. 

" Jose, your bonus cut!" Yuvi threatened him. 

" Don't worry Jose, if he doesn't give tell me I will cut his bonus!" She threatened Yuvi. 

" Sure, mam!"