
(This is Tana.. I mean the author, so to not confuse you guys this is a flashback,)

After the ceremony, Ohta carried Tanaka to their classroom, they were in the same class luckily, while walking on the way, Ohta didn't notice and bumped into someone, but he saw no one, "Ohta, down here" Tanaka said, Ohta looked down.

Tanaka was caressing his head and then turned his head, he saw a small girl that has long, curly light brown hair that falls past her waist in waves, with large, dark amber eyes, the girl was also rubbing her fist, she looked up and saw a very big guy.

"A-are you okay?" Ohta asked.

"Y-yeah" the young girl replied, she then looked down and saw him carrying another guy who was staring at her, she also stared at him.

"I'm Tanaka, Nice to meet you" Tanaka introduced himself lazily.

"I'm Taiga Aisaka, Nice to meet you too" Taiga replied, she looked up again and no matter how many times she looks at the big guy she was scared, she was known for not being scared at anyone and always gets to fight but this was her first time seeing someone who looks really scary.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Ohta" Ohta introduced himself then smiled which made him look scary.

"Hii" Taiga shuddered then immediately run away, Ohta and Tanaka looked at the little figure who ran away very fast which made it awkward.

"You shouldn't bully little girls Ohta," Tanaka said.

"I didn't do anything," Ohta said, he then continued to carry Tanaka to their class.

It didn't take long for them to arrive in their classroom, Ohta looked around and found a seat near the window, he put Tanaka at the back and him at the front.

They always do this sitting arrangement because Tanaka always sleeps in class and Ohta was a big wall who will help him from being seen, Tanaka sat down at his seat and looked at his surrounding, he closed his eyes and felt the breeze blew past him, he then extended his hands and caressed the table.

"Perfect," he said, he then put his head on the table and went to sleep, Ohta didn't say anything and just did his thing.

A little while later their other classmates arrived in the room, Tanaka was sleeping peacefully when he felt someone tapped him in his shoulder, he didn't respond and just continued to sleep, after a few seconds, he was tapped again but still didn't respond, this thing continued for 3 minutes before Tanaka looked at who was destroying his peaceful sleep.

Tanaka saw a girl that has short, light grey/silver hair, large, sparkling blue eyes, and light skin tone, she looks like someone who will be perfect for a man's dream.

That's how it was supposed to be but Tanaka knew who this 'guy' was, his name is Saika Totsuka, he was his classmate in middle school, "What is it Saika?" Tanaka replied in a lazy tone, he was also thinking why he met up to many 'traps' today, he may be lazy for a relationship but he still like real girls but of course, his ideal one was Ohta.(Because Ohta could carry Tanaka which he found convenient and also takes care of Tanaka)

"W-what, I just wanted to say hello to you"Saika replied with a blush and a very cute pouting face.

"Hmm? Saika?" Ohta turned around and saw Saika.

Saika also noticed him and they talked together, Tanaka closed his eyes and fell asleep he wanted his days to be uneventful as always, a little bit later the teacher arrived, he entered the class in a laid back expression and was sighing from time to time, he had red hair and blue eyes. He wears rectangular glasses and wears his lab coat over a shirt with hoodie, however, puts the hood above the lab coat.

"Hey, All..." he said in a unmotivated voice, everyone returned to their seats and looked at the teacher, he then stood in the front looks like he was thinking of something, then after a while, he slammed his hands on his table then the unmotivated expression changed.

"I am your physics teacher, Junichirou Kagami!" he said, he then turned around and picked up chalk then started writing something on the blackboard.

"This is the URL to a popular smartphone game! In order to introduce yourself, we will play this game today!" Junichirou said.

"What!?" all of them were shocked, well, except for Tanaka who was happily sleeping, their talk continued until Junichirou promised that he would make the one who beat him in the game be perfect in the next exam.

Everyone got excited and immediately took out their phones and started playing the game, it didn't take long before the class ended, the next class was math, then after that, it was break time.

"Tanaka, Let's go eat" Ohta called Tanaka.

"Yeah," Tanaka weakly stood up, then saw Saika who was also going to eat with them, he then made his way to the cafeteria.

"A Burger and sweet bun please," Ohta told the old lady who was in charge, the old lady then went to take a burger and a sweet bun, she looked at the two young man in front of her and smiled, she handed the burger to Ohta and the sweet bun to Tanaka.

Tanaka extended his hands and grabbed the burger while Ohta extended his hand to grab the Sweet bun, the old lady was shocked, 'It was the other way!?' she said in surprise.