A Gift Game

Reigen groaned as he stood up, he then noticed 5 people around him, he could recognize the other 2 but not the other 3, his eyes then landed to Black rabbit, "Cosplay?" Reigen said as he looked at Black rabbit.

"It's not a cosp.." Black rabbit was cut off.

"Well, no matter, I don't care about your hobbies but I like it," Reigen gave her a thumbs up then coolly turned around, leaving the gobsmacked Black rabbit, "Bang-san nice to meet you," Reigen greeted Bang.

Bang nodded at him and then also greeted Tanaka, he then turned his head at the white-haired man, "Nice to meet you my name is Reigen, here is my business card," Reigen gave Ains his card.

"It's me Ains," Ains pointed at himself which surprised Reigen.

Reigen looked at Ains up and down, then at every cranny of Ains body, "How? If I remember correctly Ains was a skeleton," Reigen said as he rubs his chin.

Ains rolled his eyes, "I used transformation magic," he said.

"Oh, something like wearing a costume right? I get it now," Reigen said then patted Ains shoulder, he was really good at leading the conversation, he then turned to the high school boy with yellow hair, he was about to introduce himself.

"Sakamaki Izayoi, Nice to meet you,"Izayoi introduced himself first.

"Nice to meet you kid," Reigen said then took out a pack of cigarette then put one into his mouth, he then patted at his pockets and found he lost his lighter, he then turned his head to the others, they shrugged off, he then looked at Ains who sighed and used a simple magic to light up his cigarette.

"So, where are we?" Reigen asked as he puffs out some smoke,

"Didn't you read the announcement on the group chat?" Bang asked.

"No, I had a client at that time, so I didn't have the time to read it," Reigen said.

"Well, you could just read it again," Bang said, Reigen then took out his phone and read the contents, he was thankful that the time would stop.

"How did you get here?" Izayoi asked.

"I don't know, the last thing I know was I was talking with my client when they suddenly gave me an envelope, I thought there was money inside so I hurriedly opened it, but there was nothing, I threw it away immediately, then after that, the envelope suddenly started lighting up, I thought it was some ghost so I immediately ran away, but damn, that envelope was persistent, it kept chasing even when we already passed by 5 streets, then when I thought I was safe, it suddenly appeared behind me and enveloped me with light, then the next thing I know I'm here with you guys," Reigen told his story.

"Anyways, Tanaka what are you doing there?" Reigen asked as he looked at Tanaka who was close to the body of the sea serpent, just then..



Meanwhile, in the garden, Sora and Shiro were happily looking around as they could see cat girls and many more, they took out their phones and started taking pictures, though the people with them look at them awkwardly as they looked suspicious in the place.

Just then someone came into them, "Nice to meet you," the man with a bulky said, he had yellow hair and pointy ears, he then sat in one of the free seats.

"I did not give you permission to join us, Gard Gasper, "Master Jin said as he looked at Gard.

"I didn't come here to talk to you, I'm here to talk to them," Gard said as he pointed at the group of Kudou,

"Us?" Kudou asked.

"Yes, that's right, how about you ladies, along with Black Rabbit, if you want come join my community?" Gard asked like a gentleman.

"Hoh, Interesting, why would they?" Sora who was cuddling Shiro spoke.

"Who might you be?" Gard asked as he looked at Sora, he then saw the beautiful Shiro and got envious.

"It doesn't matter who I am, I am asking you why do you want them to join your community, Mr.Gentleman," Sora asked in a sarcastic way.

Gard showed an intimidating expression but Sora acted like he was looking at some cat, "What is the problem, Mr. Gentleman? are you thinking of doing something? or doing something? well anyways, I don't really care, now, tell me, why?"

Mr.Gentleman, I mean Gard calmed himself down and explained how Jin's community lost from a Gift Game against the Demon King and lost their banner and became a no-name community.

"I see, so you're saying that rather than join a powerless community that cannot be of any benefit to us, we should join your community," Kudou said

"Exactly, My community, Forres Gallow has one Gift Games one after another, claimed multiple banners and is becoming dominant in this district, it's obvious which one is superior, right?"Gard said.

"I see, Not a Bad Idea, "Sora said which shocked Kudou and Kasukabe.

"Then why don't y..."

"But I refuse," Sora said in a Jojo reference like face, Shiro also followed along with him, "One of the things we, The Blank, love doing most is saying 'No' right to the faces of those who think they've got an absolute advantage!" they both said, "We've got to say our fouth favorite line for the second time! Haha" Sora laughed.

"Nii-Mad props,"Shiro said.

Everyone froze as they look at the two, "Ahem, anyway, there is your answer for me and my sister, how about you Kudou?" Sora asked.

"I will refuse too, I am already in Jin-kun's Community," Kudou said she then turned her head to Kasukabe, "How about you, Kasukabe-san?" she asked.

"I only came here to make friends," Kasukabe said.

"Oh, Is that so? Then would you mind if we will be your first friends," Kudou said as she pointed Sora and Shiro.

Kasukabe blushed, then she nodded, "Not at all," just then the cat on her lap started meowing, Gard looked at this trembling in anger, then force to ask with a stiff smile, "May I ask why?" he asked in a trembling voice.

"I, Kudou Asuka, abandoned my wealth, power, and bright future to come to this world, Why would I walk into another blessed environment?" Kudou said.

"But-" Gard stood up.

"Silence!" Kudou used her gift which made Gard shut up, "There is one thing that has been on my mind, though, You will sit down and answer my questions," Kudou used her gift again and made Gard sat down trembling.

"Oh, you noticed it too?" Sora said with a smirk.

"Yes,"Kudou replied, she then turned her head to Jin and asked, "Jin-kun," She called out.

"Y-yes?" Jin turned to them.

"Is it common for Communities to participate in games and wager their banners, which are comparable to brand logos?" Kudou asked.

"O-occasionally if there is no other choice, after all, it puts the entire community at stake," Jin answered

"I thought so, that's exactly why people fear the Demon King. I wonder how you, not being a demon king could rack up so much power?" Kudou said, "Please tell me," then she used her gift.

"W-we kidnapped the women and children of other communities, gave them an ultimatum, forced them to participate in a game," Gard answered.

"Ho, How barbaric, but why would such communities obey you after such a horrid treatment?," Kudou asked.

"We have held... several children from each community as a hostage," Gard said, which shocked all of them.

"And where are those children now?" Kudou asked again.

"We killed them," Gard said this time with a smile, it also shocked the group by a lot, "On the very same day that I took them, I couldn't bear their crying, so I killed them, Since then we killed all the kids that we kidnap if this got out into the open, the organization will fall apart, so in order to prevent that, I've hidden the kid's bodies-"

"Stop!" Kudou used her gift to stop him from continuing.

"You're such an evil man, Mr.Gentleman," Sora said in a sarcastic voice, Kudou didn't say anything and snapped her fingers which made Gard free from her Gift.

Gard got angry immediately and his body started to transform into a humanoid tiger, "You B*tch!" he yelled and charged.


Kasukabe locked his arms down and pinned him to the ground, "No fighting" Kasukabe said, Sora then went in front of Gard who was pinned to the ground and squatted, "Now, Mr. GentleTiger-kun, you have two choices, You can either kill everyone here to keep your secret or escape to somewhere beyond in the reach of the law, In either case, those who have sinned should be punished right? right?" Sora said in a sarcastic way, he then took out a ball from nowhere and started playing it in front of Gard.

"I have a suggestion," Kudou said, Sora didn't speak and only let her, "Let's have a gift game, We'll waver Forres Gallow's future, and our No-name Community's pride and soul," Kudou said.