Angering The Strongest Player

A week has passed since everyone left Susukino, and they were finally approaching Akihabara. Today they decided to stop on their journey and camp outside.

"How are you Nyanta?" Bang asked.

"I'm fine Bangnya," Nyanta replied, both of them are good friends as both of them are elderly people, well the oldest are Tanaka's servants but they don't act like one, Tanaka sat on the ground and lied down, gazing at the blue sky.

The others were busy fixing the tents and preparing everything, 'It has been a while since I got to laze around like this, I don't know why but I missed being lazy,' Tanaka thought.

"Hoh? Is our lazy Tanaka finally coming back?" Sora said.

"Yeah yeah, no matter where you go you're still a virgin neet," Tanaka said,

"What did you say you bastard!" Sora jumped at Tanaka then they started fighting.

"Hey, Tanaka, I know you are not lazy because you are using a game avatar but I want to ask, why are you lazy in reality?" Ains asked.

"Well, I.."

"Hey guys we found a deer, let's get to cooking!" Maou yelled.

"Okay, I'm coming!" Tanaka stood up and used his cube weapon and changed it into a wooden bow.

"Hey, Tanaka, want to see who will be able to hunt the most?" Reigen said as he smirked.

"Hoh, you are challenging me? Boku no ore da? Sure," Tanaka said.

"Hey don't hunt everything around here," Kasukabe yelled at them.

Ains stood at his original position, he saw Tanaka's expression change when he asked about it, it was like he was also not sure, Ains shook his head and joined the hunt that was going to happen.

Night time, everyone ate happily, as the two chefs kept giving them food, Nyanta and Maou had a fun time cooking.

"So everyone, I want to thank you all for coming to help me," Serara said as she bowed towards them.

"That is fine," Tanaka said.

"Does everyone know each other?" Serara asked.

"Well, yeah," Bang replied.

"We are all from the same guild nya," Nyanta said as he sat beside Serara.

"Really!?" Serara asked with stars on her eyes.

"Yeah, we are from the Fortissimus Guild," Sora said with a smile, he had been urging to hug this cute creature but if he did, Akatsuki would kick him in the face.

"Fortissimus Guild? I feel like I heard that guild name before," Serara said.

"Haha, don't mind about it, let's eat more!" Kanami laughed as she hugged Serara and rubbed her cheeks.


The next day, everyone continued their journey but they stopped as they saw the bad weather, luckily they found a house nearby.

"Excuse me!" Sora yelled.

"Yes?" A voice from the house came and a few moments later, an old man came, he had white hair and was wearing a white shirt.

"Nice to meet you," everyone greeted him

"Nice to meet you all too, How can I help you?" the old man asked.

"Well, the weather is bad, and we would like to ask to take shelter until the rain stops," Sora said, being polite.

"Sure, My name is Fedor, I'm the village ombudsman," Fedor introduced himself.

"You could use this barn as much as you like," Fedor said, outside it was already raining heavily.

"Thank you," everyone replied back,

"Do you have a hearth?" Nyanta asked.

"Yes, over there," Fedor pointed on the side.

"Thank you," Nyanta said and went with Maou. They both liked cooking and the stomachs of their group were bottomless.

"Hey, they really look like real people," Sora said as he stood beside Tanaka.

"They are real, and we are a foreign existence," Tanaka said.

"Eh what?" Shiroe who was close asked.

"Yeah, Shiroe, they are the real people of this world, we are nothing more than foreign beings that were sent and stuck in this world," Tanaka said.

"Hmm," Shiroe hummed as he turned his head towards the old man who was talking with the others.

"Hello," a cute voice called out to Tanaka.

He turned his head and there he saw two small figures, "Nice to meet you," said the kid.

"Nice to meet you too, what are your names?" Kanami, who was near Tanaka asked.

"I'm Mischa," said the little girl shyly.

"I'm Ivan!" said the little guy, he had a laid back attitude as Naotsugu.

The girls played with the little kids, and the boys started to fix their beddings. Tanaka looked outside and extended his hands, he could feel the coldness of the rain and the wind that was blowing.

"I should make CJ7 create a game like this in my world," Tanaka said.

"Hey, Tanaka," someone called out to him. Tanaka turned around and saw it was Ains and Sora, they were sitting on a round table and had serious expressions on their faces.

"What's up?" Tanaka asked, as he sat down with them.

"It seems like some guilds are forcing new players to work for them, I don't know the details but it seems they take the 2x experience potion from these new players and sell them to the large guilds," Ains said.

"The Exp potion," Tanaka remembered this scene from the anime.

"It will not be hard for us, we will hunt them after we finish our quest, and not just that, we will start our dominance," Tanaka said.

"Ho, so Tanaka is finally starting to move," Sora jokes.

"Everyone it's time to eat!" Nyanta called everyone.

It didn't take long for the rain to stop, so the group continued their journey, after a half day of traveling they finally arrived back at Akihabara, they were greeted by the sight of the members of Crescent moon alliance.

"Marielle-san!" Serara yelled as she jumped towards Marielle embrace.

"Serara!" Marielle caught Serara and hugged her tightly.

Everyone smiled at the sight, "Everyone, get ready, we will start tomorrow," Tanaka said.



"Man, I now want the lazy Tanaka back," Sora complained.

"I don't know about that, but ever since Tanaka became energetic, he tried to purge everything he does in the game, this is really a mystery," Bang said as he caressed his moustache.

"Let's not talk about that for now, let's get ready, I also don't like what the guilds have been doing, the new game just started and they are exploiting everything already," Reigen said.

"Yeah," everyone replied as they went to their own spaces.

Meanwhile, in Akihabara, the guild who were doing this and the guild who were buying were being constantly monitored by two top assassins, they looked at every movement, who were the ones involved, and doing everything else.

They also searched for their guild, every information they had was exposed by these 2 assassins.

Toya and Minori were twins who just started playing this game, they have been tricked to enter a guild that forced them from doing things, not just them, but many kids too, Minori hands were bruised from the forced knitting that she was doing.

"If only, Tanaka-nii is here," Touya said as he lay on the ground that was supposed to be their bed.

"Touya, we can't ask for Tanaka-nii," Minori said.

"How about Shiroe-Nii or Kanami-Nee san?" Touya said.

"No, we can't bother them," Minori said.

"Minori, stop being selfish! We are stuck here!"Touya said.

"I know," Minori lowered her head and didn't speak anymore; Touya bit his lip from frustration.

*Ring *Ring

Minori decided to call Tanaka.


"Minori?" Tanaka asked.

"Yes, Tanaka-nii," Minori said as she tried to hide her shaking voice.

"Hmm, Don't cry, you will be free tomorrow," Tanaka said, knowing she was stuck with this kind of guild.

"EH? How did you know Tanaka-nii?" Minori asked in surprise.

"There is nothing you could hide from me, just wait there Minori, we are coming," Tanaka said.

"Y-yes," Minori said as tears started to flow out of her eyes, after talking for a few more minutes and calming Minori down Tanaka hung up the call.


Everyone gathered around outside the guild base, Tanaka wore his main items which was pure black armor.

"Now, now, would you look at that," Sora said.

"You look very cool Tanaka!" Kanami said as she hugged Tanaka from the back.

"Shiroe, I talked with Minori yesterday, I guess, I must do something now right?" Tanaka said as he turned his head towards Shiroe.

"Yes," Shiroe shivered as he saw the eyes of Tanaka, he then adjusted his glasses, I guess they have done it now, they have angered the strongest player of the game.

Everyone moved out and went to the Akihabara, their appearance caused ruckus in the whole city as they became well known.

"Let's start shall we?"