Tanaka Under Control

Sorry for being gone for a while everyone, Don't worry I am not dead, so you don't have to mourn, I'll be continuing writing now.


A few weeks has passed since the war had ended, Tanaka decided to follow the plot of the game and created a council, but all of the last decision will be on his beckoning call, the Akihabara had also started to progress, with the help of all of players they were able to make it lively and safe.

They had no hard time doing this as they can't do anything about it, it may have been done in a hard way but there was nothing wrong with it, they didn't disagree with him, The guild Fortissimus Guild now owned every property in Akihabara so everyone must follow them, except for following some rules everyone was free to do what they want.

Still buying the whole Akihabara cost them 2 trillion gold, but the Fortissimus guild still had plenty of gold, they aren't called the wealthiest guild for nothing, of course, to keep their income coming, Ains started doing business which instantly boomed, well, it was mostly because of food, which was later given to public, the food the NPC's are selling had no taste, so the food they had created became a revolution for the players.

P.K players turned into a new leaf and the players now can do jobs, Minori and the kids that was forced by the guild Tanaka had destroyed was invited to join the Fortissimus Guild, the guild had become lively as everyone had soft spots for kids, especially for Bang who had made them his disciples.

The other guilds also volunteered to train the new and low level players, of course, as the highest authority, the Fortissimus guild would also send someone, Nyanta and Octopops decided to go.

So Overall, there was nothing much to do, Tanaka could remember some few events from the anime and the Return of the Goblin King event, that was the closest one that would be happening soon, Tanaka was now lying on his bed and for some reason he is restless, he can't fall asleep nor laze around, somehow he missed lazing around so much.

Still, the people of the land started taking notice of them, it won't be soon for the one from the plot to happen, Tanaka stood up from his bed and made his way towards the living room where all of the other members are sitting, he then noticed a handsome Young Man with a long hair that was tied in a ponytail, beside him was a purple hair girl with fox ears.

"Oh, Souji, Nazuna, that's rare for you to visit," Tanaka said as he looked at these two.

"We just visit almost every day, I think that's something that can't be called rare," Nazuna said.

"Hello, Tanaka-senpai," Soujiro greeted him.

"Yeah, anyways, how are the people of the land? Have they started moving?" Tanaka asked.

"Yes, they are getting restless," Sora answered.

"Then it won't be soon before they contact us, well if that happens, I will send Shiroe, Sora, Shiro, and Akatsuki along with the other guilds," Tanaka said.

"HO, Tanaka being responsible is really rare, I don't even have to do anything," Sora said.

"Don't worry, next quest, I will make you do everything," Tanaka said, he really doubted what rewards he would get after this quest, he would really love it if it was the game avatar, he won't be lazy anymore.

As they were talking to each other, Tanaka suddenly received a call, "Hm, what is it?" Tanaka asked.

"Some people of the land are coming from outside, come out here," Ains from the other side said.

"Okay," Tanaka said, he had already expected this, Tanaka stomped his feet on the ground and he disappeared, reappearing beside Ains, in front of him was a group of people of the lands riding horses carrying a banner, some people of the land were also bowing towards them.

They stopped a few meters in front of the entrance not entering, then the man with a strange hat yelled, "I am a messenger of Sergiatte Cowen, High Lord of Eastal League of Freedom Cities, I request with the round table's leader."


They let the messenger in on the meeting room where everyone would be able to hear his message, Eastal asked the participation of the round table in a meeting of the lord's next month, and had invited them into a dance.

"So, let's go to people who will go," Tanaka said.

Everyone had already expected this happening just looking at the people of the land observing them, and Tanaka had already told them about what will happen though he didn't say much they got the gist of it, "I will send 4 from my guild, the training will still continue," Tanaka announced.

"Crusty, I will like you to go as the representative of the round table," Tanaka turned his head and ordered

"Then I will go," Crusty said.

"For the rest, you will all take care of it," Tanaka said.

"Tanaka, what are you going to do?" Crusty asked.

"I will… be readying for the upcoming event," Tanaka said.

"Event?" they all asked.

"Well, unlike you guys, I focus on everything, the return of the Goblin King event is coming soon," Tanaka said.

"That event huh?"

"I will take care of it, so do what I have tasked you to do so, dismissed," Tanaka said.