
Whilst a lot Hatred, Phineas, Wither and Vincent were confronted by all sorts of hell. David and Sarah were on a mission.

David kept pestering Sarah about where they were going and Sarah kept slapping him , telling him to do as she said. They had just left the train station and had gone past the hideout. David finally stop himself and confronted her head on.

"I will ask you one more time, where are we going?" David exclaimed.

Sarah cheeks turned red as , she looked away. David smiled and turned, as he turned around, she smacked his head.

"Who do you think you are, I was put in charge of you, so you will do as I say." She demanded.

David was sick of her position of authority over him. He drastically lowered the temperature of his fist. Ice started to form over his fists. As they were walking down the street he finally had the courage to hit her. As fast as a cheetah, he aimed for her hair. Attacking with his whole body at her at once. She saw this coming and dodged and she slapped his ear.

"What was that?" he exclaimed.

"I should ask you the same thing, with your tacky ice cube fist." Sarah laughed.

"It's one of my Zing-Zang, to form ice out of anything and control it." David explained.

"Sounds awful." Sarah replied.

David frowned, she noticed he looked upset.

'What's the matter with you anyways?" Sarah asked.

"I don't understand what you mean." David replied.

"You're quite cold towards the boys and you don't really care about anything." Sarah explained.

"It's just the way I was brought up, us Zonil's aren't weak we've seen people die, made people die, nearly died several times myself." David replied.

"You're... a Zonil?" Sarah asked.

Sarah was awestruck,as if she a ghost, she matched his questionable walking speed to speak to him.

"Yep, why'd you ask?" David responded.

David had finally realised what her attitude changed.

"Yes." David sighed.

"Do you know Xander?" She smiled.

David looked confused and wondered how she knew his brother.

"Oh! You're that freak who kept stalking my brother." David shouted.

"No we like each other!" Sarah replied.

They continued to argue on their way to the unknown destination.

"He does like me!" Sarah shouted.

"He really doesn't' David sighed.

"Anyway, We're here." Sarah announced.

A simple plain field of grass with the face of the sun smiling down at it.

Confused and understanding, David asked Sarah why they were here.

"Well we're going to Times Town." Sarah said.

"Shouldn't we invite Jeremy as he hates Watchlords?" David asked

"I thought you didn't care about the boys." Sarah smiled.

David grinned as they zoomed through the sky defying every law of physics known to man.

"What on Earth is going on!" David shouted, his voice was like mouse's squeak compared to the sound emitting due to the speed they were going at.

"Just trust the process, if you were with Hatred and you were leaving Earth, you'd probably die." Sarah laughed.

Finally, they had left Earth's gravitational pull. David was in an absolute state. Sarah told David they were only half-way there. They had just finished the easy part. Sarah closed her eyes forcing herself into a mediational state of peace, relying on the 'heavenly-sent' senses. Her ears enlarged , slightly, she located the exact coordinates of were they sent to survey. David was amazed, he saw the difference between her strength and his strength even surpassing his prestigious brother,Xander, he only used this as fuel to become even stronger.

As she opened her eyes she felt a sense of relief, possibly even hope.

"Hold on, lets have a rest shall we?" David said whimsically

She grabbed and flew through the atmosphere, David barely survived.

They had finally arrived at Orteka, the City of Watchlords, Sarah with her hands on her hips looked up into the sky with her face filled with optimism. David could barely walk.

"Where are we?" a fatigued David asked.

"Orteka, a place forever in time, that's their saying" Sarah explained.

She lifted David's chin off the ground as he looked up the sun dawned on his face he saw the heavily populated city with all types of people living in the Central District, flying cars which was a step ahead of the transport on Earth. Teleporting residents going through time portals like they were skipping on the pavements.

"Well we're off." Sarah said.

"Where to?" David asked.

"Clock Cabin, I believe its not a cabin" Sarah explained.

They argued about the romance saga between Xander and Sarah on their way to the cabin.

They had finally arrived. It was a massive tower thrusting through the planets clouds.

"This is massive." an astonished David said.

"It's just one giant clock hand" Sarah explained.

The clock hand towered above to whole planet you could be millions of miles away and still be able to see it. A man in a black suit approached the two.

"Sarah, its been a while." the man said.

Sarah's facial expression drastically changed.

"Benji, what happened to you?" She asked.

"I'm a Watch Patrol Team Leader." Benji said with a wonky smile struck on his face.