Suit and Tie

A hunter threw a kunai at a bottle of rum that Ealker was holding , Ealker didn't flinch as the spillage and glass fell on to the floor scrapping his shoulder in the process. Licas explained the situation at hand.

Licas explained, "I'm sorry I didn't know it would turn out like this!"

Ealker grabbed Licas by the neck and threw him to the pack of vultures hunting below. Ealker kept flicking his lighter. He dropped into the crowd, controlling the flames of the lighter, he wiped masses of people in front of him. Ealker barely used Zing-Zang, as he was a master of all types of Uri. He used waves of Uri , making them believe they are suffocating , water. He set fire to these crowds before they could snap out of his illusion. He ran towards his family house. Tumbling, flipping and sliding across the city barging through every assassin that attacked.

Licas explained, " I came to see you so we could save your family!"

Ealker, adrenaline coursing through his veins, leaped onto the moving train with a resounding thud. The wind whipped at his face as he surveyed the chaotic scene before him. The train's cars stretched out in both directions, rattling and shaking with each passing moment. His eyes narrowed, his determination unwavering, as he shouted to his companions on board.

"You run into the hall and evacuate everyone to the house!" Ealker's voice boomed, struggling to be heard over the screeching of metal and the cacophony of panicked voices. "And once this is finished, I'll murder you!" The threat hung in the air, a testament to the severity of the situation they found themselves in.

Without hesitation, Ealker ran the length of the train, his footsteps echoing in rhythm with the pounding of his heart. The horde closed in, their grotesque figures moving with unnatural speed, their twisted forms illuminated by the flickering moonlight. Ealker knew he had to act swiftly to protect those in danger.

As he ran, Ealker unholstered his trusty blade, its gleaming steel catching the faint glimmers of light. Gripping it tightly, he mentally prepared himself for the imminent clash. But he also had another weapon at his disposal—a bottle of potent liquor he had picked up earlier. With a quick flick of his wrist, he uncorked the bottle, its pungent aroma filling the air.

As the first of the horde reached him, their bony fingers outstretched and gnarled, Ealker lunged forward, his blade slashing through the air with deadly precision. The metallic ring of his weapon meeting flesh and bone echoed through the narrow confines of the train car. The stench of decay mixed with the bitter scent of alcohol as he swung his blade in a wide arc, slicing through his assailants.

But the horde was relentless, surging forward like a tide of darkness. Ealker danced through their ranks, his movements fluid and practiced. He deflected their blows with his blade, sidestepped their lunges, and retaliated with calculated strikes. Each swing of his weapon was a calculated risk, aimed at disabling or dispatching his enemies with ruthless efficiency.

Amid the chaos, Ealker's free hand grabbed the bottle of liquor, its glass cool against his palm. He hurled it with precision, the bottle exploding on impact, sending shards and liquid flying in all directions. The volatile mixture ignited, a roaring blaze erupting among the horde. Flames licked at their decaying flesh, their unearthly screams piercing the air.

Ealker continued his relentless assault, his blade cutting through the burning mass, leaving trails of smoke and ash in his wake. His focus was unwavering, his mind honed on the task at hand. With each fallen foe, his determination grew stronger, fueled by the knowledge that innocent lives depended on his success.

The battle raged on, minutes stretching into an eternity. Sweat poured down Ealker's face, mingling with the grime and blood that adorned his brow. His breath came in ragged gasps, his muscles burning with exertion. But he fought on, driven by a combination of raw courage and the unyielding desire to protect those he cared for.

Finally, as the last of the horde crumbled to the ground, their charred remains littering the train car, Ealker stood amidst the wreckage. The silence enveloped him, broken only by the distant rumble of the train's wheels on the tracks. He took a moment to catch his breath, to let the reality of the situation sink in.

But there was no time for celebration. Ealker knew that more battles awaited, more lives hung in the balance.

Ealker rode the train across the city looking for more assassins. In the distance , he saw Shawn's eyes. They were different from before, The Golden Eyes, The precious pupils. The Treasure of sight. These were the Eyes of Discovery. Ealker could feel his skin peeling, falling on to the plated roof of the vehicle. Shawn was travelling ,towards the moving train, in flashes of light. Shawn shouted , "Where do you think you're going!". Ealker hesitated to talk as the footsteps grew closer and grew larger, surrounded by confusion and hesitation. Ealker responded, " I've heard about your plan and it's great." Although Ealker explained that he and his family would not pay the price for a greater good. Uncorking a bottle of wine, Ealker ran towards the flash, they started throwing fists at each other the blood and the booze started mixing. As Ealker kept drinking his techniques became more erratic, Shawn descended into his human form. To match his techniques he increased the usage of his eyes, Shawn realised the assassin was on a entirely different league than anyone on the citadel. Shawn ran towards Futurum household, Shawn started channeling his Uri into his legs in order to go quicker towards their mansion the two clashed as they moved towards the home . The slashing, swinging and slicing radiated pride and anger was clear between the two. Anxiously anxious, he couldn't deny the overwhelming sense of danger that permeated the air. The sound of his own heartbeat filled his ears as he glanced nervously at Ealker, searching for any sign of reassurance. Ealker's steely gaze remained fixed on the group of impeccably dressed businessmen, his expression hardened with determination.

The tension grew thicker with each passing second, as if the entire world held its breath, waiting for the impending clash. The businessmen stood in a calculated formation, their eyes cold and calculating, emanating an air of sinister intent. The sun cast long shadows over their menacing figures, heightening the sense of foreboding.

Shawn's heart raced as he noticed the knives concealed within the ties of the businessmen. He couldn't help but imagine the deadly possibilities hidden beneath their seemingly harmless facade. The blackest of gloves they wore only added to the chilling atmosphere, emphasizing their desire to conceal their true intentions.

Surrounding the area like a pack of wolves, the black-haired men and women created an impenetrable barrier. Their stoic expressions mirrored their leader's, making it clear that they were willing to go to any lengths to protect what was inside the house. Shawn felt an icy chill crawl up his spine, realizing the gravity of the situation.

As if to further amplify the tension, the garden was overrun with restless animals. Crows circled overhead, their harsh caws cutting through the silence, an eerie symphony of impending doom. The animals seemed agitated, their senses attuned to the looming threat, adding an element of primal fear to the already tense scene.

Ealker's presence beside his loyal followers provided a flicker of hope in the darkness. His commanding stance and unwavering determination radiated a sense of authority, but even his formidable presence couldn't dispel the palpable fear gripping Shawn's heart.

Confusion and anxiety wrestled within Shawn's mind, his instincts warning him to flee. Yet, he couldn't tear his gaze away from the standoff unfolding before him. The weight of the unknown hung heavy in the air, a cruel reminder that the consequences of this encounter could be devastating.

The scene remained frozen in time, a fragile balance waiting to be shattered. Each second ticking by felt like an eternity, anticipation and fear intertwining, pushing everyone to the edge of their sanity. The outcome of this confrontation would be a turning point, one that would leave its mark on everyone involved.

In this moment, Shawn realized he had unwittingly stepped into a world far darker and more dangerous than he could have ever imagined. The tension that engulfed him threatened to suffocate his every breath, and he could only brace himself for the storm that was about to break.

Background Information:

The Eyes of Discovery provided to the Hakken Clan when Shawn had provided his services and his findings to the Time Patrol.

These eyes have the ability to warp between different universes, create anything it's holder can imagine, it also provides the ability to kill those who are immortal. Although no one has been able to control its power. When these eyes are exposed for over five minutes it may drive it's user into a painful madness.