I'm Levitating

As the blades were going to pierce through his skin, almost by accident, he dodged them.


This time, he was aware of what was going on. Phineas sighed with relief, this time.

"You aren't very good at this, are you?" Ealker laughed, "Do you really think with these reactions you will achieve that goal of yours?"

"I'm not in the right headspace, at this moment," Phineas responded.

"Is it because of that girl you talked to a while back?" Ealker responded, " If I'm honest, you can only tell from their actions, if their intentions are pure."

Ealker also explained that his lack of clarity was making him lose this fight.

"Fight like you're going to die, I'm not going to say it again, P" Ealker added.

He tapped into the manifestation Uri he had been taught. His attacks became more fluid and vicious. Sending opponents flying across the room. Although Job's gravity abilities helped reduce the potential damage.

"Surely we could all work together," Phineas asked.

Ealker sighed with disappointment, and Hatred agreed.

"If you want to achieve that goal of yours, you're gonna have to take this Alxit from us; we don't work with pricks." Job responded,

"The people are happy here, just because you need help doesn't mean you have to drag my people into it."

"A lot of your people are criminals and thieves."

"It's not easy being from here, sometimes the weak have to be syphoned from the strong. Everyone knows the rules around here." Job responded. "Like the majority of rules, there are loopholes in them. It's not our problem if people find them."

Phineas' emotions of anger and doubt helped him form a mirrored blade encased in flames.

"This blade will reflect any physical attacks, and if you're smart, it can be so much more," Ealker told Phineas.

Job signalled at his people, to continue the battle, and they threw attacks of every element towards Phineas. With this newfound information, he started deflecting fire and wind across the palace. He parried with an associate before throwing his blade away as a distraction to smack him in the face, destroying him. The other associate, after seeing his friend defeated, rushed in panic towards Phineas, which ended with his face being splattered across the walls. Phineas had taken all of the lessons he had been taught from Ealker, his Uri had improved him massively, and everyone in the room had seen that.

"Your potential is impressive, although those were disposable workers of ours," Job responded. "Here are my real partners."

Two people walked towards Job, on the right of him was Vilhin, who was slightly taller than Job and was properly built as he had a sturdy exoskeleton due to being part ant and having the height of a human. The supernatural speed and reactions, due to being part of Ant, allowed him to reach the battlefield instantly.

"I've heard of him before Phineas, he manipulates his body weight and the weight of objects in order to throw heavier attacks." Hatred explained, "His hybrid genes coupled with his experience with Uri make him pretty dangerous."

On the other side was Impreciso, his right hand covered in scars, trying to threaten Hatred, and his green eyes trying to invoke fear in him.

Hatred didn't want to fight, but the battle between Phineas and Vilhin had begun. Vilhin's heightened smell allowed him to smell the fire and water from Phineas' blade and know where and when it would attack him. Vilhin teased him asking Phineas to fight him like a man. He dropped the blade and began throwing punches—no fire and water, just pure Uri. The two went back and forth, with the majority of attacks being blocked and countered. Phineas believed he was fighting for the greater good. Vilhin dodged his attack before hitting Phineas viciously in the face, sending him flying across the room.

"Our plans may benefit us greatly, but they also help the status or growth of the Alxit," Vilhin said.

Phineas laughed and spat in his face.

"You think killing and murdering innocent people, getting rid of children before their 10th birthday helps the city," Phineas responded.

"The most memorable people and respected individuals think only about the big picture," Vilhin explained, "you have to remove your feelings from decisions if you want to provoke change."

As Vilhin explained his beliefs, Phineas got up and sliced Vilhin's face with his mirrorblade. He threw a rapid combo, attack after attack, before smacking his fist into Vilhin's head. His exoskeleton prevented him from taking any damage from the attack.

"We could train civilians up, allowing society to have different skillsets," Phineas explained, "a smarter society provides better ideas to combat overpopulation." The fight continued outside the palace, Vilhin had grabbed almost half of the palace with one hand. His hand covered with Uri allowed him to multiply the weight of the palace by 100 times what it would usually weigh.

He sprung in the air, with what looked like the weight of the world, in his hands, ready to throw it.

"You're not the first to say that and you won't be the last, you're clearly confused," Vilhin replied, "I hope you find the answers you're looking for, goodbye."

As this massive crater came towards Phineas, he closed his eyes and spoke with Ealker.

"I'm begging you, please." Phineas communicated

Ealker could hardly look at him

"I'm done, maybe I was wrong about you." He sighed.

Phineas provided him with an offer he couldn't refuse. His body had changed drastically, and his skin had turned inside out. Ealker was in control of the body, he grabbed Phineas' blade and jumped at the

"Helios' Heaven!" Ealker exclaimed.

Flames ignited from the blade, slicing the crater into small pieces. Vilhin was in shock, as was Job. The ideas and resolution began to relate to Job , as well as the deadly scar it left on his chest. He teleported away from the scene. The citizens' gathered at the palace, which was ruined. As it rained pieces of the palace, Job walked towards them. Phineas, who was stunned by the wreckage of the palace, seemed determined.

"I challenge Job for the title of King of Zelsior!" Phineas screamed.

The crowd was shocked, no one had had the guts to challenge for the throne for years. There was a giant pause; the crowd was silent, and so were the fighters.

"I accept." Job accepted.

The crowd roared with excitement, ready for destruction or revolution.