Max followed her at a distance, but she knew his eyes were glued to her in that skin-tight dress. She smiled inside knowing she had his full, undivided attention. To keep his eyes on her, she began walking a little faster, causing her hips to sway even more.

Once they reached recording studio 7, she opened the door, stepped inside and held the wooden door open. Jayde gestured him in and he kept eyeing her up. His arm casually brushed against her chest as he passed her, causing her body to respond in a manner she'd never experienced.

"Would you like some coffee before we get started," she asked, her voice smooth as silk. Max was looking around the room, touching the dials and buttons.

Jayde bit her bottom lip as she got a better view of the backside of this sexy, country boy standing in front of her. He was flawless. And his drawl was definitely a lady killer. If this beast of a man was single, he had to have the ladies fawning all over him on a daily basis. How could he not?! He was a perfect specimen.

"No thanks, I don't care for coffee during important meetings. I appreciate the offer though," he looked over his shoulder with a smile. Maybe it was her imagination, but she could have sworn she saw his teeth give off a blinding flash, like in the animes she watches in her free time. Looking again, his eyes may have had a little twinkle, too. She visibly shook her head and smiled back.

"Should we begin the hard part," she asked as she forced herself to turn and look away from him. Yet, as soon as her eyes left him, she felt empty inside. What a waste, she thought to herself, Pining over a man that's way out of my league.

She sat at the small table in the corner of the room and watched him as he walked over, confidence seeping out of each step. She knew he was watching her stare at him, yet her eyes were unwavering. She kept glued to his chest, the plaid shirt he was wearing was tight enough to leave some room for the imagination, but not much. He was definitely muscular underneath. But what she wanted to know most, Is he tan there as well? Maybe he works outside when he's not doing band things.

An image of him popped in her mind. He was shirtless, in mid-afternoon, his tanned chest glistening in the remaining sunlight from the sweat he'd just worked up, leaning on an ax resting upon a stump and a pile of freshly chopped wood behind him. And a smirk. So naughty and sexy. Her eyes drifted down to the tight, worn-out jeans he was wearing. Oh, how she wanted to touch him.

Jayde had to mentally pull herself together. This was so unprofessional. She cleared her throat as she pulled out a stack of papers they needed to go over. "So, I'm going to start by going over the contract, if there's anything you don't agree with, let me know and I'll make note of it. At which point, you'll just have to come back at a later date to sign the newly written contract. Are there any questions thus far?"


Max smirked to himself. He knew she was intentionally not making eye contact with him. What was she thinking about previously while looking at me, he wondered. He noticed her eyes sparkle on occasion. And her face had flushed at one point. Maybe she just wasn't feeling well.

"Yes, I was wondering if we could maybe reschedule. My band-mates are stuck in traffic and won't be here in time and to be honest, I don't feel very well at the moment. I think it'd be a waste of time to go over this right now when not everyone is present," he was trying to get her out of this work so she could get done earlier than normal and go home. She really does look sick, he thought.

"Oh, well that's understandable. I feel bad making you come all this way. Would you maybe like to reschedule for a later time today? I'm sure I can rearrange a few things for you," she really didn't want to send him home empty-handed. And deep down, she didn't want him leaving yet.

He smiled at her and offered, "How about over dinner?" Jayde met his eyes, giving him a glimpse of the slight blush forming on her face.

"With me," she sounded conflicted, even to herself. Jayde considered his offer for a few minutes then finally said, "I'd love that. What time should I meet you?"

He smirked at her, thinking about how she'd just became putty in his hands. Now was his chance to get to know her on a deeper level than just working together. "Perfect. 8 work for you?"

Jayde nodded and walked Max to the elevator. He sent a wink her way right before the doors closed and was her blush and fidget.

Max felt as if he'd just won the lottery. Unsure why he had this feeling for a woman he'd just met, he still mentally high-fived himself. This was going to be a great night. He decided he was going to wait outside for the guys to appear and hangout with them until dinner tonight. At which time, he'd hoped he would score that beauties phone number.

And, hopefully, she'd be willing to develop a deeper connection with him.