When they reached the restaurant, Max stepped out of the car and ran over to open Jayde's door. He looked at the red building with bamboo lanterns and bansai trees all over. "Did we just step into Japan," he asked jokingly. He loved the way this restaurant looked though.

"This is Nakashima. It's a Japanese restaurant and their miso ramen is fantastic. But they also have amazing sushi. Hibachi is another option though," Jayde started listing off everything she liked here.

Max smiled as he watched Jayde's face light up. He realized she must be really cultured to know how to pronounce all those words. "What's hibachi," he asked, feeling kind of dumb for not knowing. Jayde spun around with her mouth agape.

"Are you serious," she chuckled. She knew he was when his face turned red. "Oh no. No, no, no. This won't do. What kind of meat do you like?"

Max felt slightly embarrassed but answered her anyways. "Beef, shrimp, steak. chicken. All meats actually. I'm not very picky." She nodded and smiled while grabbing his hand and dragging him into the elegant eating establishment.

"Jayde!" Multiple people inside greeted her as soon as she walked into the place.

"Who's this young man with you," an old man asked as he approached. Max watched as he walked to Jayde and hugged her. The wrinkles in the corners of his eyes, Max guessed he was about 60 years old. He smiled as he watched everyone greet her.

Jayde stepped back, grabbing Max's arm and said, "Papa Issei (ee-say)! This is Mr. Jaxson. He's the new client I'm signing. We decided to do it over a meal and where better than home?" Her eyes twinkled as she spoke.

In no time, Papa Issei had placed them, at a table in the back, away from everyone else so they could work in private. Jayde pulled out the stack of papers and a couple pens.

"Home," Max asked as he watched her get everything ready. She met his eyes and smiled shyly.

"Yes. I'm adopted. I was born in America but raised by this wonderful family," she explained. Jayde didn't tell many people about her personal life. Most of her friends didn't even know she was adopted.

Max watched Jayde's eyes sparkle as she spoke fondly of her kin. He adored the connection they had. Yes, his mom was loving and supportive. But, his dad was a different story.

They began writing and signing the papers when Jayde realized something. "Where's the rest of your band?" She looked at him confused. Wasn't everyone supposed to be here?

Max smiled awkwardly and said, "They had to head back home. I think my wallet is still with them, actually." He brought his hand up and brushed his hair back, showing off his strong biceps and shoulders.

Jayde smiled and said, "I understand. It's a bit of a drive to Baxley." They continued going over the contract.

Once they finished, Papa Issei came to the table with a white vase, decorated in hand-painted, vibrant-pink, cherry blossoms. "Celebrate your future success on us," he smiled and bowed before leaving them.

"What's that," Max asked as he watched Jayde pour. She handed his a small cup with a small amount of the liquid inside. "I drink this," he asked confused.

Jayde lifted her own cup to her nose and inhaled deeply. "This is a sake my family has been making for generations. It's good, but very strong so drink it slowly," she advised.

Before Jayde could finish, Max had already hammered back the drink. "I'm not a lightweight, Jayde. I can handle my alcohol," he chuckled as he held out his cup to her.

Jayde laughed and filled it again. "Don't say I didn't warn you," she shook her head as he threw back the cup again. When he held out his cup again, she said, "Max, I think you should let that settle a bit first. Why don't we talk?"

Liking the sound of that idea, Max agreed and started asking questions. "Are you from this area then? I know you mentioned being adopted earlier. Did you grow up in Japan though?"

Jayde thought out her answer carefully as the sake was already hitting her. "I was born in Oklahoma. When I was 3 months old, Issei adopted me. He was over here for work. At the time, he was one of the riches families in Japan, so when he returned with a baby, everyone was surprised. I lived in Japan until I was 8 years old. I started getting bullied at school for not looking like everyone else. My hair and eye color were the cause of most of the bullying-"

"But I like your hair and eye color. They compliment each other perfectly. Especially against your fair skin," Max interrupted. Jayde blushed and thanked him and that's when he started feeling it.

The room began to spin around Max so he focused on Jayde's luscious lips. At that moment, he wanted to pull her onto his lap and taste those delicious looking red lips.

"I feel like I'm blabbering now," Jayde said, feeling more self-aware than before. Max watched as she sucked in her bottom lip and bit it in a very sexy manner, although that most likely wasn't her intent.

Max forced himself to meet her gaze. "No, no. You're perfectly fine, darlin'. Please, continue," he encouraged as he smiled.

Jayde said something that made herself laugh but he wasn't listening very closely. Max's gaze landed on her lips yet again. And he naturally smiled or chuckled when she did.

"So, are you seeing anyone right now," Max's eyes shot up, staring her dead in the eye he couldn't believe what he'd just heard.

"I'm actually not seeing anyone. I went through a pretty bad breakup a few months back and you're my first date since then," Max blushed and looked at his empty cup. He quickly grabbed the vase of sake and filled his cup to the brim before hammering it back and filling it again.

"Is that so? Well, as long as you don't have a woman... Would you like to go for a walk when we're done here?" Jayde blushed as she said this. Her mind wasn't on 'going for a walk'. All she wanted was him in her bed, but she couldn't come out and say that.

Max was going to sip on the cup he'd just filled but after that, he tossed it back and said, "I'd love any amount of time I can spend with you. Did you have somewhere in mind?"

Without thinking, Jayde answered honestly. "My place? It's not too far from here and I don't feel comfortable letting you drive with as much as you've drank tonight." She met his eyes and searched them for his answer. He was staring at her with a hard-to-read expression on his face. Max remained quiet for a long time which made her nervous.