Jayde woke up the next morning, her legs were sore and the sweet spot between her legs ached. She peeked over at Max who was holding her tightly as he snored softly. She smiled as she looked at his angelic face. She began blushing as she thought about everything that had occurred last night. The things he'd done to her were far from angelic.

Max was a total sex machine.

He'd done things to her that she'd never experienced. Jayde rolled over in his embrace, facing him, and brushed the hair from his face. She was filled with so much love right this moment and just wanted to enjoy it as long as she could before he had to leave her again.

At that thought, her heart ached. She didn't want him to leave. Jayde wanted nothing more than to be able to come home to him everyday, cook with him, cuddle on the couch watching TV and of course... Experience the activities that they'd done last night.

She smiled again while placing a kiss to his cheek. Max instinctively pulled her closer to his chest and kissed her forehead while mumbling, "Shhhh. Go back to sleep, Dove." This little display made her chuckle lightly.

Max opened his eyes slightly, gazing into her sparkling ones. "Why are you awake so early," he asked in a husky voice. Jayde smiled wider, her eyes squinting with happiness, as she shook her head. He leaned down, capturing her lips with his and kissing her deeply. "Are you hungry," he asked as he broke the kiss.

Jayde nodded slightly and hugged his tighter. "But, I don't want to get out of bed yet. I want to stay like this," she whispered into his shoulder. Max chuckled as he rubbed her head. He wasn't ready to get up yet either. Mainly due to the issue he was trying to get to deflate under the blanket right now.

He was surprised at his own sex drive. They were up until 5AM, multiple sessions had occurred during that time and his body still wanted more. Max wrapped his arms around her slender shoulders, hugging her, as he shook his head.

"What have you done to me," he whispered into her hair. Jayde giggled, making his heart swell. Max couldn't help but feel the completed feeling within himself as they laid like this, in each others loving embraces. This was the most perfect way to wake up in the mornings, he thought to himself.

Jayde sat up quickly, looking at him briefly before climbing out of bed. Max sat up, watching her curiously. "I need to... Go... Do something," she half-ass explained her sudden movements. Max cocked an eyebrow, wanting to know more but not sure if he should ask.

Jayde rushed to the bathroom and locked the door behind her. She was freaking out. Opening the cupboard, she pulled out a small pack of pills and looked at it. "Shit," she hissed. Just as she thought. She'd forgotten to take her birth control the last 2 days!

Her heart began to race. What was she going to do? She couldn't tell Max! He would be pissed off and probably never contact her again! Anxiety filled her as depression hit hard at that thought. Jayde didn't want to lose him over something that was completely avoidable, had she been more responsible.

Max stood outside the bathroom, nervous that he'd done something that upset her. He raised his hand to knock just as the door flung open. He searched Jayde's face and saw a hint of worry but it was quickly covered with a smile. "Hi," she said cheerfully.

Max pulled her into his embrace, hugging her tightly before asking, "Are you okay, Dove?" Max smiled as she nodded her head against his chest. They stayed like that in silence for a while before Max pulled away, searching her face. "What was the 'shit' about?"

Jayde's eyes instinctively widened. She didn't want to tell him yet, but she felt awful hiding it from him. Max watched as she battled something internally. "Jayde," he called her attention in a firm voice. "What's going on," he asked once again.

Jayde let out a shaky breathe, she had no other choice but to tell him. "Max, I'm so sorry," she began. "I may or may not have forgotten to take my birth control the last couple days..." she trailed off. Max released his hold on her and turned around to hide his face.

Jayde watched as he walked to the bedroom and paced around the room in silence. He was obviously lost in thought. His face showed no emotion that she could clearly read. Although his eyebrows were knitted together, he didn't seem angry.

Max suddenly stopped pacing and stood in front of her, not making eye contact and chewing his thumb nail. "So...," he wasn't sure what to say. He wasn't upset at the thought of her carrying his child, yet he didn't want to force her into something like that either.

Max knew how much Jayde loved working and becoming a parent would put a pin in a career. What was he supposed to do? What should he say?

Finally, he looked in her eyes and asked, "What do you want to do?" Jayde was taken aback. She wasn't expecting him to handle this piece of news so well. Let alone him to ask her opinion of the situation.

She took a step forward and held onto his forearm. "Max, I understand you must be lost right now, but we do have some options. This isn't the final result." Max cocked an eyebrow, encouraging her to continue. "There's the morning after pill, for starters."

The air became suddenly cold around them as his eyes darkened. Max was furious that she hated the idea of having his child so much. He turned away, shutting himself in the bathroom this time. The last thing Max wanted was to take his anger out on her. He stood at the sink, bracing his weight on his arms against the marble. His gaze shifted to the pack of pills.

Picking it up, he looked closely. It indicated the last pill she took was on Tuesday. He smirked coldly before throwing the stupid pack against the door. "Fuck," he shouted in anger. Why was he so upset over something so trivial. The final decision was hers after all.

Max took a deep breath before opening the door. He expected Jayde to be outside, waiting. But she wasn't. He walked to the living room and saw her sitting on the couch, her face was paled as if she'd seen a ghost. Max instantly regretted the outburst of anger in the bathroom, seeing as she must have overheard it.

Jayde lifted her gaze to his, her eyes welled with tears on the verge of overflowing. Max's heart ached. He rushed to her side, pulling her into his embrace and hugging her tightly. Her shoulders began to tremble.

"I'm so very sorry, Max," Jayde cried in his chest. "I didn't mean for this to happen." Max shook his head, frustrated with himself for not having better control of his emotions in the presence of this fragile woman. His mom always scolded him for not having better control.

Max let out a soft sigh and kissed the top of her head. "It's not your fault Jayde. I was upset over something that I have no control over. In the end, it's your decision what you do. Just know, I'll be by your side, loving you through it the whole time."

Jayde looked up. She was touched that he'd be so supportive. "But...," she wanted to ask him what he wanted. She just wanted Max to be happy.