Chapter 3| Melody

Nux is on Brigg's back, he's sleeping as he waits for Briggs to make it to the city they're going to, the city is called Nedia, it's the place were guild recruitment's are held, guilds are a large group of people led by strong people, there's around 11 guilds, you don't pick the guild but they pick you

"How long do we have left big boy Briggs?" Nux asks

"Almost they're" Briggs says

Briggs walks up a large hill, they were slowly but surely going to make it, Nux went back to sleep waiting for Briggs to arrive.

LEVEL: 15 EXP: 1,200 FLEX LEVEL: 3

"Nux? Nux wake up" Briggs says as he tries to shake nux

"We're here" Briggs says

Nux opens his eyes to see the large city, it was a large city which was ten times larger then the village he was in, there was a big castle in the middle of it all

"I thought it would be better, maybe a bit of fireworks to make it look more flashy" he says sarcastically

"Well it's the main way to get into guilds" Briggs says


"You don't know what guilds are? wow you are clueless" Briggs says

"No i'm just too smart that i forgot what they we're, but just tell me anyway" Nux says

"Well, guilds are teams made by the king himself and led by the strongest mages in the world" he says

"Sounds stupid to me" Nux says

"No they aren't! it's the fastest way to get money!" Briggs says

"Money!?" Nux says

"yes" Briggs says

"ALRIGHT THEN LETS GO AND JOIN A GUILD! OH YEAH!" Nux was running into the City, he wasn't clueless but just confident in his ability

He runs up to the city entrance, there was a large crowd "What's going on?" Nux asks

"The guild member choosing ceremony is starting in a few days, people came here early to celebrate it" Briggs says

"Huh" Nux says as he smirks

"Well i guess i'll just go and mess with these people and get into a guild fam" he says as he walks into the city grinning.

Nux looks around, there was alot of places to go to, he had his hands in his pockets as he walked around

"So were should we go?" Nux asks briggs as he points to the castle "Should we raid it?" he says with a grin

"ARE YOU CRAZY!?" Briggs yells

"I'm joking, although it wouldn't be that hard to be honest" Nux says to briggs, he was relieved

"Well i think we should go and sign up for the guild recruitment exam building, it happens to be up at the castle, i might try and join a guild with you as well" Briggs says

"Alright then" Nux's body gets surrounded in lightning and shadows

"Lets go" he grabs onto briggs as he runs fast to the castle making it look like he almost teleported to regular people

He makes it to a place that doesn't have a lot of people

"Here we are" Nux says as he walks out to see the large castle

"It's smaller than i thought it would be" Nux says

"Don't say that, it's really big" Briggs says

there were alot of magic users walking up to the castle but at the bottom was a woman, she had purple hair and pretty revealing costume, she was breathing heavily from walking and running "Aw man" she says as she collapses, nux grabs her before she falls

"Are you alright?" he asks

"Yes" she says

"Good" nux says as he moves her away, he grabs a piece of silver from the ground "I didn't want you to damage it" he says as he chuckles after

"Nux! that's mean!" briggs says to Nux

"Yeah? so what, she's a stranger" Nux says

"Yeah but you shouldn't be mean" Briggs says

The woman facepalms "I'm just going to go..." she says

"wait ma'm, what's you're name?" Briggs asks

The woman looks back "I'm melody" she says as she gives a joseph joestar pose after

"I already love her!" Nux yells grinning

"Thank you!" Melody says smiling

"Well cya i'm goin to register" Nux says

"Oh, well okay, i'm going to get registered as well" Melody says

"Do you think i care?" Nux says

"NUX!" Briggs yells

"What? i'm joking around, come one lets go" Nux says

The three walks up to the registration desk, there was a woman waiting there

"Hello and welcome to the registration for the guild recruitment, if you are here to join a guild please put you're hand on this"

The woman brings out an orb that gives people you're info

"Now you ma'm, can you place you're hand on the orb?" she asks

Melody puts her hand on the orb as it showed her information like the magic she uses etc but not her stats

"Now you sir" she asks

Briggs places his hand on the orb, it shows his info as well

"Now you" she says to Nux

Nux puts his hand on the orb but nothing comes out

"That's strange? this mostly works, i guess you can just tell me you're name" she says confused a bit

"Okay, my name is Nux, but you can call me the god of flexing" he says grinning

"Okay..." she writes down his name "Now you can go and wait for three days for the guild recruitment to begin" she says smiling

"Alright, i'm gonna go and sleep" Nux says

"What! we should be training!" Briggs says

"Nah, everyone's WEAK to beat me" Nux says

"Wow, are you sure?" Melody asks

"Yep" Nux says as he goes to buy a Hotel

Nux arrives to a hotel, he grabs some gold coins he has "Welcome sir, what roo-" Nux throws money at them and grabs a random room key

Nux goes to his room and throws his stuff on the ground, he sits on the bed, he looks at his stats

Level: 15 EXP: 1,200 FLEX LEVEL: 500

"That's alot" Nux says, he puts three hundred into strength and 200 into speed "That should be good" Nux says, he feels a change, he looks at his chest as it looks a bit different now "Wow" Nux says, he lays in his bed and falls asleep.