A Stroll In The Park

Sebastian's POV:

I just couldn't believe myself when Cicilia gave me more time to spend with Angela because the way she refused my request while we were in the car, I thought that she would never agree.

It has been many weeks since I have got to spend fifteen minutes with her.

I really want to see Cicilia smile, she would look stunning. She is beautiful and smart and the strongest person I have ever met in my life. Though she is also very stubborn but I like her stubbornness.

A knock on my office door interrupted my thoughts and it was then that I realise that I was really daydreaming about her.

Before I could say come in, Amanda walked in.

"Don't you have your own company to look after instead of barging into my office?", I questioned her amusingly.

Amanda is a fashion designer, though she is elder than me and dad wanted her to take over his enterprise but she was not interested.

She pulled out the chair and sat in front of my desk.

"I just came to inform you about the bomb mom and dad are going to drop tonight on you at the dinner."

I had to have dinner with my parents tonight and I was not paying attention to her as I was reading a file, I asked casually, "What bomb?"

She smirked before saying, "They are going to insist you on marrying someone."

I looked up to her with wide eyes, marriage?!

"I have made it really clear to them that I don't have a girlfriend and I am not going to get married soon", I stated.

"That's the problem little brother, they know you don't have any girlfriend that's why they will force you to have an arranged marriage."

"You are kidding right?", I asked to assure myself but she shook her head, damnit!

I ran my hand through my hair in frustration asking what should I do.

And the next thing I know is that she burst into laughter. What the hell!

"Relax Sebastian, I was just messing up with you", she said sobering up and I threw the pen in my hand on her furiously.

"You gave me a goddamn heart attack."

She wiped the tears that formed in the corner of her eyes by laughing and said, "Don't worry Sebastian but sooner or later they will be dropping this bomb on you, be ready. Find yourself a girlfriend little brother."

"Shut up Amanda and go away."

"OK jokes apart, what about that little daughter of yours, how's she?"

"She is good."

"Oh, I really wish to meet her Sebastian, she is so cute", she exclaimed. I sent Amanda her picture one day and since then she has been dying to meet her.

"Cicilia won't like you to meet Angela."

She rolled her eyes saying, "Why don't you tell her that you were drugged Sebastian, it was not your mistake. I am sure she will understand and maybe she will forgive you."

"Amanda go away", I stated.

"You really think that she will forgive you if you don't tell her what happened exactly that day?"

I got up and taking my things I said, "I have a really important meeting to attend to, now you may leave."

She angrily got up and grumbling she walked out of my office.

Cicilia's POV:

Angela was sleeping peacefully and it was already time for Sebastian to come. I glanced over to the clock to see that it was already past 8.

As Angela was sleeping I went and did my household chores and soon it was already nine. He was late, I thought. But why should I care?

It was not long before that the doorbell rang and I opened it to see a tired-looking Sebastian leaning against the doorframe.

I let him in quietly and when he noticed that Angela was not there he asked, "Where's she?"

"She is in a deep sleep, you will have to meet. By the time...you can keep sitting there until she wakes up", I replied.

He nodded his head before taking out his jacket and rolling his sleeves up and the way his muscles bulged out of his shirt, damn hot!

Now, something is definitely wrong with me, I called him hot for the second time.

He smirked because he saw me looking at him and I quickly looked away and went into the room to check on Angela, she was still sleeping, please wake up, I don't want to be alone with him.

"Cicilia?", he called softly and I made my out.

"Can you please get me a cup of coffee?", he requested.

I frowned as I pouted.

"Please?", he said again and I huffed before making my way to the kitchen.

I could feel his gaze on me all the time but I ignored it.

Taking out the milk from the fridge and taking the other ingredients out I noticed him standing beside me while leaning against the counter, his intense gaze on me.

"I am not poisoning your coffee, you can sit there", I stated without looking at him.

"I know how badly you want to kill me but you wouldn't right now. I am not standing here for that reason, darling", yet again that 'darling' word made me feel so weird (in a good way).

I decided to make a simple coffee by directly putting in the ingredients and boiling them.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw him shift and felt something in my hair that was tied in a tight bun and before I knew it my hair was loose and fell down flowing over my shoulder.

I looked at him in surprise and he had a smirk on his face and my rubber band in his hand.

"Give that back to me", I told him with a glare.

"You look more beautiful with your hair down, darling", he told me.

Did he really call me beautiful?!

"Stop calling me that!", I yelled.

"What?", he asked even though he knew what exactly I meant.

I gritted my teeth in annoyance,"I am not your darling, don't call me that."

"Sorry, darling", he laughed.

He is impossible!

I poured the coffee in a mug and I placed the cup harshly on the counter near him causing a few drops of it to fall on his hand and he winced. I smiled wickedly at him and he glared at me.

"Enjoy your coffee, Mr.Arnold, and sorry it got spilled on your hand", I gave him a tight smile.

Satisfied at my little revenge, I took my own mug as I made some for myself also and sat on the chair of the dining table.

He joined me too as he sat opposite to me. As he sipped he closed his eyes in satisfaction.

Opening his eyes he asked, "What poison did you put that tastes so good?" I rolled my eyes at him and he chuckled before speaking again, "Come on, tell me what ingredients you added?"

"It's my secret recipe."

"Then you will find me at your doorstep every day for a cup of coffee and I am sure you don't want that, now tell me the ingredients."

"What else were you doing while standing there?" He literally was there the whole time.

"I was watching you", he stated and I felt a blush creeping up to my cheeks. I hung my head down a bit so that he couldn't notice it.

And with my head down, I quickly told him, "Coffee, milk, water, a drop of vanilla essence and chocolate powder and a bit of sugar."

"You never asked me how much sugar I like yet it is perfect?"

"Considering your body, I know you drink a strong coffee."

An evil smirk made his way to his face, "So, you noticed my body?"

"Will you shut up Sebastian!", I shouted at him in embarrassment.

We both heard a faint cry and I quickly moved to the room to see that Angela was awake and I took her in my arms as I patted her back to console her.

Sebastian was there at the door, watching us. He came to me and took Angela in his arms and she went silent the moment she saw her and a small smile was on her face, so now she loves him more than me, fine.

He pulled her cheeks before kissing them. He turned towards me before saying,"I am taking her to the park nearby, wanna come?"

"It's too late Sebastian."

"Come on, don't you have some fun?"

"The last time I decided to have fun, I ended up being pregnant", I should know how to shut my mouth sometimes, he was pissed off.

"I am going and I don't care whether you come or not", he said coldly as all the warmth disappeared from his eyes.

As he was about to move I called out saying that I would be coming.

We both walked out of the house with Angela in his arms as she looked happy to come outside the house.

The park was nearby so we decided to walk till there, the roads were silent except the few cars that passed by sometimes and it took us hardly three minutes to reach there.

Thankfully, the park was open, lighted by the park lights and there were really fewer people there, a few of them were jogging while the others were with their family.

And it pained my heart that I didn't have any family, right now Angela was my only family.

Sebastian took Angela over to a swing and placed her on it before moving it to and fro gently as she giggled happily.

After a few minutes, he moved her to the slide and slid her down it while holding her in his arms. Angela never looked so happy before and I wanted that moment to last but then again he would go when fifteen minutes will be over.

And then I thought that another five more minutes won't hurt, right? Just for the happiness of my daughter.

Time passed by and he suddenly came to me--as I was sitting on the bench watching them--holding a cone of ice cream and he handed it to me and I muttered a small thank you.

He then checked his watch before cursing under his breath as he said, "I will walk you back home, time is over."

I caught him by his arm as he was about to move, "I give you five more minutes."

He didn't say anything but the big smile on his face was enough to express him. I watched him run back to the swings with Angela in his arms.

Just five more minutes won't hurt, right?