Caring For Her

Cicilia's POV:

After assuring Sebastian for the millionth time that we both were not hurt in any way, he finally drove us back home.

Taking Angela in my arms, I got out of the car as Sebastian trailed behind me. He walked with me to my door and getting inside I turned to face him.

"You sure you are OK?", he asked for the billionth time and I nodded exasperatedly.

He looked at me for a few more seconds with concern written all over his face. He brushed a strand of hair-- that was hanging out from my loose ponytail--behind my ear.

He then again kissed my forehead for the third time as his lips lingered there for a few seconds.

He then kissed Angela's forehead smiling as she smiled back, she really loves him. And he wrapped his arms around us affectionately saying softly, "I will always protect you both."

Pulling away, as usual, he said, "Sorry."

And I watched him quietly go back to his car before giving me one more glance.


The next day seemed to be normal, but there was a fear inside me that what if something happens?

The fear started to rise within me when I saw a few scary-looking men roaming around the apartment.

I quickly dialled Sebastian's number which he gave me yesterday.

"What happened Cicilia?", he asked quickly picking up the phone on the second ring.

"There are some...weird men lurking around the...apartment...they look scary an--"

"Whoa, calm down darling, I actually sent those men, they are there to protect you both, don't worry", he interrupted.

I felt relieved at his words as I managed to say, "OK."

"Are you both OK?", he asked.

"Yeah, we are fine...thanks."

"Fine, I am in a meeting right now, I will call you later, bye."

"Bye." If he was in a meeting then why did he pick up the call, weird.

My mind was preoccupied with the thoughts of yesterday, my own family, my own parents that gave birth to me, my own brother whom I grew up playing with was ready to kill me for a stupid reason.

He was almost about to pull the trigger and had it not been for Sebastian, I would have died and my daughter would have even died even before her life could have begun.

I felt so depressed about my life, I thought everything would have got better but no, everything is getting worse, day by day.

I was angry at Sebastian too but seeing how much Angela loves to be with him and I don't know about myself but I know that he would never hurt Angela. I don't blame him anymore for coming back although I don't think so I would be able to forgive him ever for what he did.

I was tired of all the drama, I can't take it anymore.


The week seemed to pass by in a blur and Sebastian literally called me every day to ask whether we are fine or not.

One thing I have noticed about him is that he is a man of his words when he said that he will come here only on Friday then he meets Angela on that day only except for that kidnapping incident although we have met each other once or twice except on Friday but he never meets Angela on any other day, he respects my decision.

I was making dinner while Angela played with her toys alone, he must be coming soon.

Just as I was about to chop the vegetables for the dish, the bell rang and I went and opened the door for him.

"Cooking something?", he asked getting in and I nodded.

"Good, pack some for me also, I am in no mood of cooking today", my jaw dropped at his words, he can't order me.

"Listen, I am not packing anything for you, what if I poison your food?"

"Oh, you won't darling."

Ignoring him I went into the kitchen to continue with my cooking as I started chopping the vegetables.

He really thinks that the world works at the snap of his finger, that people will do whatever he says.

He is weird and--

"Ouch!" Shit, I have cut my finger and it was bleeding now.

I quickly moved over to the sink to wash the blood when I noticed a presence behind me.

I turned around and bumped into him but his eyes were focused on my finger.

"Where is the first aid box?", he questioned.

I pushed him away ignoring his question.

"Cicilia", he said in a dangerous tone.

I was in no mood of arguing anymore, "Bottom left drawer."

He took out the first aid box, and keeping it on the counter he took out some cotton and dipped it in some antiseptic.

He stood in front of me as my back was towards the counter.

And bringing the cotton towards my finger, he slowly started cleaning it.

He didn't speak a single word.

After cleaning the wound, he took out a cream and a bandaid and applied the cream on my wound.

I looked at him in confusion while his eyes were focused on my wound but suddenly he lifted his gaze and our eyes met, and for the next few seconds we just stared into each other's eyes but as I started to feel a weird sensation in my stomach, I quickly averted my eyes.

After band-aiding my wound he asked me to move aside and I didn't question him but when he started to chop my vegetables it took me by surprise.

"I can do it, Sebastian", I tried protesting but he ignored me completely.

"Sebastian, I said--"

"Shut up, Cicilia", his words quickly shut my mouth.

"You know that your time is running out, you just have ten minutes left and I know you won't like to waste it."

"Go and sit down Cicilia, I am making the dinner and I don't want to argue with you, just be quiet", he said.

"Go play with her for the meantime", he added.

"It is just a small wound and you are acting as if my arm is fracture or something", I said folding my arms.

"Don't disturb me Cicilia."

And without protesting I went and sat with Angela who was playing with her toys.

The dinner got ready when his time got over and is he crazy, he literally wasted his time in making dinner instead of playing with Angela.

"Your time is over", I stated at which he replied, "Check the timer."

I realise that my phone was in the kitchen and when I went there and checked the timer, there was still fifteen minutes left.

"What the hell is this?!", I asked him at which he smirked.

"I am not stupid darling, I paused the timer so that after cooking I would still have time to play with Angela."

"This is cheating", I shouted.

"This is business, darling."

Huffing I sat on the table where he had set the dinner and I started eating it and I have to agree that he is a very good cook.

After I finished eating there was still some food left so...I packed some for him. I am not that cold-hearted and I know sometimes it is really tiring to cook.

As the timer went off, he got up and I handed him the box in which I packed him the food and he was really shocked by it.

But he didn't say anything except his usual apology and he kissed my forehead.