The Wedding

Cicilia's POV:

I was currently sitting at one of the largest stores of Amanda, for my wedding dress. When Amanda got to know that our wedding was in two weeks, she started panicking because she thought that she would design my wedding dress but she never knew that it would happen so early.

So, that day only she took my measurements and started working immediately.

On that day only, Seb officially announced our engagement over Instagram and people went mad. James also called me and congratulated me saying that he knew that we both will end up being together. Had Seb not warned me about not disclosing that our marriage is an arranged one, I would have told James.

The wedding was in five days and I was actually surprised that Amanda managed to design my dress and get it made within ten days. So, that's why I was at her store, along with Linda(Seb's mother) an Angela. Seb insisted to come too but as per the tradition he was not allowed to see my dress before the wedding.

"Come on Cicilia, let's try the dress now", Amana told me and I nodded before giving Angela to Linda and following Amanda to the changing room.

It literally took me ten minutes to get dressed that too, Amanda helped me wear it along with a few of her helpers.

But when I finally looked into the was so so so beautiful, I just can't describe it in words.

It fitted me perfectly just like my second skin, neither too loose nor too tight.

Amanda gestured me to come out and when I walked out, Linda gasped on seeing me.

"Oh my gosh! You are looking stunning Cicilia!", Linda exclaimed.

"Of course, she has to look good, I have designed the dress anyway", Amanda chirped in.

"Just wait for Sebastian to see it", Linda said, making me blush thinking about how he will react on seeing me in this dress.

"Aww...our bride is already blushing, don't know what will happen on that day", Amanda teased.

I was much more embarrassed now as I lowered my head while cheeks turned red.

"Do you like it?", Amanda asked.

"Of course, I love it. It's so beautiful and it looks amazing. Thank you, Amanda."

Amanda hugged me saying, "You're welcome, little sister."

"Group hug!", Linda exclaimed before joining us while poor little Angela got squeezed between us.

I was so happy!


I was staying at Amanda's penthouse currently, the wedding was tomorrow and she suggested that it would be much easier for her to get me dressed here at her house.

Her house was amazing, her choice was really good. She gave me a huge room to stay in.

Seb, I haven't seen him for the past few days, we talked over the phone and he told me that he was in France on a business trip. He was supposed to be here today.

It was bedtime and I changed into my pyjamas and changed Angela's dress too.

I was about to lay down when I heard some commotion downstairs, so, as Angela was already sleeping, I went and stood at the edge of the staircase.

"Where is she, Amanda?", Seb shouted as I could clearly see him from there. Finally, he was back!

"I told you can't meet her until tomorrow, it's bad luck", Amanda said crossing her arms.

"I know the rules clearly Amanda and as it isn't midnight yet, I can meet her."

They continued to fight and I stood there watching them until Seb's eyes landed on me.

He stopped saying whatever he was saying and started walking towards me. I don't know why but I started to feel nervous and I could feel the butterflies exploding in my stomach on just seeing him. I quickly turned around and went inside the room but Seb was even quicker to reach there and block me from locking the door.

"Are you really cooperating with her?", He questioned.

"Maybe", I shrugged.

"Leave all that aside, now tell me how are you?"

"I am good Seb, how was your trip?"

"Stressing as always", he huffed and I smiled at him.

"Are you nervous?", He asked again and I nodded, "A little."

"Just don't run away from the wedding tomorrow", he said making me chuckle.

"I was thinking of doing that", I teased him.

"Oh please, you have no idea how far I can go just to have you with me. You have no idea how many boundaries I could cross and how many limits I could break." His words warmed my heart.

"Really? How far can you go?"

"Don't test me."

"I am not afraid of you, you know that?", I mocked him.

He rolled his eyes and changed the topic saying, "Where's my angel?"


He nodded before going over to her and kissed her forehead and walked back to me.

He brushed a strand of hair behind my ear before leaning in and pecking my lips saying, "See you tomorrow."

He then kissed my forehead and went away.


"Get up sleepy head or else we will get late!"

Someone was repeatedly shouting at me but I only groaned and buried my head in the pillow.

And the next moment, the pillow was removed from under my head as I exasperatedly opened my eyes to come face to face with Amanda who stood there with an angry expression on her face.

"I am saying this for the last time, the wedding will start in exactly five hours and we don't have much time Cicilia, so better get up, Right Now!"

"What time is it?", I groaned.

"11 in the morning."

Shit! The wedding is supposed to start at 4 in the evening.

I immediately sprang up from the bed and dashed towards the bathroom.

After quickly brushing my teeth, I took a nice, long shower.

As I finished showering, I wore a bathing robe before walking out and the room I was staying in was completely transformed. There were so many people there, makeup artists, helpers etc.

Amanda walked to me with Angela in her hands and said, "Don't worry about Angela, I will take care of her. Now, you better sit quietly and let the artists do their magic."

I nodded before kissing Angela's forehead and sat quietly on the chair.

Wait a minute...I didn't have breakfast.

"Amanda?", I called out and she came back to me.

"Am I not even supposed to have breakfast today?"

She thought for a moment before gesturing me to come with her. I followed her downstairs to the kitchen, where she made me sat on the table while she served me a sandwich.

"Eat quickly", she ordered.

And I literally started chewing the sandwich faster.

As I finished, she pushed me towards the staircase as I ran upstairs where everyone was waiting for me.

I sat down on one of the chairs as the makeup artist started working her so-called magic.

There was no mirror in front of me so, I wasn't able to see what she was doing.

During the makeup, Amanda came to check on me and even Linda came. They were all so excited and happy.

Seb's dad was supposed to walk me down the aisle as my father...well, what can I say. I always dreamt that my father would walk me down the aisle but it seems that that dream of mine would be fulfilled by someone else.

After hours, my makeup was finally done and now I had to wear that dress.

As I slipped into the dress, I wore my sandals(Amanda designed them too) and earrings.

And finally, I was allowed to look into the mirror.

As soon as the full-length mirror was placed in front of me, a gasp left my mouth. They literally did magic on me, I looked different, completely.

Linda and Amanda came into the room and they had dressed Angela too in a small, cute town which was once again designed by Amanda.

Linda placed the veil over my head and now I was completely ready. There were photographers in the room who kept clicking pictures of mine while I was getting ready.

I took Angela in my arms and got a picture clicked of us.

"Don't you dare ruin the makeup Cicilia", Amanda warned and I realized that my eyes were watery.

I handed Angela back to them and quickly blinked those tears away.

"My parents were supposed to be here with me today", I mumbled.

Linda gave me a side hug and said,"Don't cry my child, from now we are your parents and I wouldn't mind you calling me mom."

Did she really say that I could call her mom?!

I gave her a tight smile saying, "Thank you."

"Now come on, Seb is getting impatient", Amanda said and I nodded before following her to the car.

It took me a few minutes to settle down in the car and Amanda and Linda...or you can say mom sat next to me along with Angela.

Reaching the venue, I was assisted by many people to get out of the car without ruining my dress.

It was a huge garden, a massive one, decorated beautifully with white roses and other different flowers.

Seb's dad stood there, waiting for me and I walked up to him and stood beside him.

Smiling he said, "You are looking gorgeous Cicilia."

"Thank you, Chris."

After a few minutes, I was told that it was my turn to walk down the aisle, so, I hooked my arm with Chris. And as soon as the music started playing, we started walking slowly towards where the priest was standing along with Seb.

I was nervous like hell, everyone was looking at me and it made me so nervous.

My head was lowered but when I slowly lifted it a bit, my eyes locked with Seb's, who stood there in a tuxedo, looking devilishly handsome. For a moment, he started blinking quickly, is he crying?

Finally reaching Seb, his dad handed my hand in his and Seb kissed my knuckles before I stood opposite to him with the priest in between us.

The priest started talking to which I wasn't paying much attention to because Seb was intensely staring at me and I bit my lips as my cheeks started heating up.

After the priest had stopped speaking and as we decided it before, we were not saying any personal vows because it was actually an arranged marriage. So, the priest turned towards me before asking, "Do you, Cicilia, take Sebastian Arnold to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

I looked at Seb before saying, "I do."

A smile graced Seb's lips as the priest now turned towards him and asked him the same question.

"Do you, Sebastian Arnold, take Cicilia to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do", Seb replied instantly.

The priest continued, "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

Seb cupped my chin before planting his lips upon mine slowly as the crowed cheered happily.

"Officially mine", he whispered against my lips.

"I am all yours."