The Party

Cicilia's POV:

The next morning, I woke up to an empty side of the bed. Seb was not there, maybe he went downstairs. So, after finishing with my morning routine, I went down to the kitchen to see him making breakfast.

"Good morning", I greeted him, standing beside him.

"Morning", he replied as he kissed my forehead.

"Can you make coffee while I am preparing the breakfast?", He asked politely and I nodded before gathering the ingredients and started making it.

After some time, as we both finished making our respective things, we sat down at the table for breakfast, as we ate silently.

Somewhere between breakfast, I heard my phone ring, so I quickly went and retrieved it from the kitchen counter.

It was a video call from Amanda and I immediately picked it up.

"Hey, little sister! How are you?", she spoke.

"I am fine Amanda, how are you?", I said making my way back to the table.

"I am really enjoying my time with Angela", she said as she showed me Angela who was in her lap playing with her toys.

Amanda placed the phone in front of her so she could see me but she was busy playing.

"Angela, look mom", Amanda gestured to her, and it was then that she lifted her head and saw me as a smile spread across her little face.

"Are you missing me, angel?", I asked her and even Seb got up and came and stood behind me as I was sitting on the chair.

"Little angel! Did you miss dad?", Seb exclaimed and Angela's smile widened on seeing him as she gestured with her hands and tried to reach him.

"That's not fair, you miss him more than me", I pouted. And Seb and Amanda laughed.

"For the past two days, you both literally forgot that you even have a daughter", Amanda rolled her eyes, "that's why now she likes me a lot. Would you mind if I adopt her?"

"No!", Seb and I shouted in unison and she made a sad look.

"Just kidding guys, calm down", she chuckled.

Seb then moved away as he picked up his plate and went to keep it.

And it was then that I heard some boy's voice coming from behind Amanda and she turned towards the source of the sound and she gave a glare after which he went silent.

I had a smirk on my face when she turned her face back to the phone, "What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Who is he, Amanda?"

"Who?", She said acting all innocent.

"Oh come one, I know there is someone with you. Now you have to tell me", I demanded.

She rubbed the back of neck saying, "Well...I am dating someone."

I said,"And may I know, who that someone is?"

"I am dating your friend James Wilson", she said in one breath and my mouth fell open.

James?! For how long?

"Are you serious!?", I screamed, "where did you guys meet?"

" your wedding."

"And you didn't even bother to tell your sister about it?", I raised my brow.

"I am sorry, I didn't know how you will react to the fact that I am dating your friend."

"It's okay Amanda, I am really happy for you. And you know what, he is really sweet, you guys are gonna rock together."

"Who's sweet?", Seb said sternly from behind, making me startled. He had a serious look on his face and he didn't look happy by the fact that I called some other boy 'sweet'.

I turned around and said nervously, "No-no one."

I quickly bid Amanda goodbye and hung up the call because Seb looked angry.

"Cicilia", he said again in a warning tone.

"Amanda is dating James and I was just telling her that he is a very sweet person", I explained to him and yet he didn't look happy.

"Of all the men, she found whom, James Wilson, an asshole", he spat.

"Why do you hate him so much? He is not an asshole rather he is very sweet and polite unlike you", I said getting up and his jaw clenched.

Oops! He is angry.

"Am I not sweet and polite to you? Do I shout at you?", he snapped.

" used to be really rude to me earlier...", I trailed off.

"Don't talk about the past, talk about the present."

"Ok are really sweet and polite and sometimes cute though you even sometimes act like an asshole but are good. Happy?", I said as I kissed his cheeks.

He rolled his eyes and said, "We'll talk about that later, now listen, we have to attend a very important business party in the evening, so, be ready by six and don't get late."

I nodded at him after which he said, "I will be in the study if you need anything." And with that, he went away.


The day went by in a blur and I soon started to get ready.

I took a shower and came out wearing a bathrobe after I started with the makeup.

After half an hour, I was done with the makeup and I only had a few minutes left so, I quickly slipped into my silver sparkling gown that Amanda gave me.

Sebastian's POV:

After wearing my tuxedo, I made my way downstairs and waited by the stairs for Cicilia.

She soon emerged from the room looking stunning in that silver gown that suited her so much. My mouth fell open on seeing and I have no words to describe how beautiful she looked.

As she reached the last stair, I extended my hand for and as she placed her hand in mine, I kissed her knuckles.

"As usual, you left me spellbound", I told her making her blush.

"Thank you Seb, you are looking handsome too."

Together, hand in hand, we made our way towards my car that was waiting for us and we slipped into the backseat as the driver drove off to the venue.

25 minutes later, the car pulled up at a huge mansion that had been decorated beautifully.

As I got out, I helped her get out and I wrapped my hand around her waist as we made our way inside, as thousands of paparazzi threw questions at us.

Cicilia was in amazement looking at how beautifully the hall was decorated.

I introduced her to many businessmen and their wives and after which did look a little tired, it's not easy to greet so many people.

"Mr Arnold", someone called me from behind and I turned around to meet with Mr Anderson, one of my business partner.

We both greeted each other and shook hands, and I introduced Cicilia to him.

He took Cicilia's hand and kissed her knuckles, and though he did it just for formality, I didn't like it a bit especially because of the fact that he even made her blush.

"Mr Arnold, there is some important thing that we need to discuss, can we talk?", He spoke to me and I nodded before turning to Cicilia and said, "I have some work darling, can you stay by your own for some time?"

"Umm...okay...fine", she said.

And I kissed her forehead before following Mr Anderson.


It took me longer than expected and when I came back, I couldn't spot Cicilia there.

After a few minutes of search, I found her sitting on the stool of the bar as her back was turned towards me at the corner of the hall.

I quickly reached her and tapped her shoulder at which she turned around an gave me a smug smile.

"Hey...hubby...", she slurred.

Shit! She's drunk.

She tried getting up but instead she swayed back and forth before I aught her by her waist.

"Cicilia, we are going back", I told her at which she frowned.

"No...I just started to am not going back", she said leaning into my shoulder.

"How much did you drink, Cicilia?" I asked her.

"...I... don't rem-ember. Can I"

"No", I said sternly, "we are going back home, right now."

She tried to wiggle out of my grip but I tightened my grip on her waist and dragged her out of the hall and as our car was waiting for us, I helped her get in before slipping in beside her.

All the way back, she kept grumbling, God knows what.

Finally, we reached back. And once again, I helped her get out before I picked her up in bridal style and started carrying her inside.

"I...can...wal-k", she protested.

"No, you are drunk darling."

She pouted and said, "You are very... keep ordering me. You-you even left me alone there."

"I am sorry darling, I didn't know that it would take me so long", I apologized and started carrying her upstairs.

"It's fine", she mumbled making me smile.

Reaching the bedroom, I made her sit on the bed but she immediately got up and wrapped her hands around my neck.

"I want to kiss you, Seb", she whispered against my lips.

"No Cicilia", I said removing her hands from my neck, "you are drunk. Go to sleep."

"No!", she whined, "I wanna...kiss you."

"Cicilia", I warned her and she pouted, looking like a five-year-old kid.

"Please...", she said.

"First, go change your clothes", I said sighing.

" change it..."

God, She is so stubborn!

Knowing that she won't agree to me, I had no other option than to change her clothes myself.

So...I removed her dress and made her wear one of my t-shirts that reached till her thighs.

"Now...kiss me", she said.

And sighing heavily, I placed a small kiss on her lips.

"Happy now?", I asked her and she nodded happily.

"Now off to sleep, darling", I told her and helped her lay down on the bed after and as soon as she laid down, she fell asleep.

So, after removing my clothes, leaving myself in just the boxers, I slipped in beside her and pulled the duvet over us. I pulled her closer to me, wrapping my arms around her and I placed a kiss on her forehead, whispering softly, "I love you, Cicilia."