TWO: LUCIFER suits you better

"What the hell, man? Whose that chick who just arrived? She's hot!" Luce exclaimed to his friends while pointing to the girl whose squeezing herself to the tons of bodies dancing.

"Don't you know her? Dude she's the school tomboy" Drew exclaimed followed by a laugh.

"Really? But, she seems not for me, though she dressed so plain" Luce just retorted.

"Might be her sleeping attire. It always happened that she needs to fetch someone instead of sleeping already" Drake laughed. He's Drew's twin anyway.

"So, she's gonna fetch someone? Her boyfriend or what?" Luce then asked the twin.

"Nope" Drew answered popping the P. "Her best friend is a party woman and she might be very drunk right now" He continued.

"I want her, man" That's all Luce can say, 'cause he really do. There's something in her that he want. And what Luce wants, Luce gets.

"Goodluck, dude. She doesn't want anything with any guys at school. Even Billy can't tame her" Drake patted his shoulder as he remember how Billy who is one of the famous guy at school got dumped by the woman they're talking about.

"Our man is different, twin. Go get your woman, Luce" Drew mentioned before pushing him out of the chair.

Luce pushed past every body whose on his way until he bumped with the girl he's been looking for. He heard her muttered a 'sorry' before turning around. But, she's not fast enough for him. He quickly encircled his arms on her waist and placed it on her lower back. By the time that the girl looked up to see his face is the time he kissed her lips.

He can feel the warmth in her slightly parted lips due to the shock of what he's done, but he doesn't care at all. He tightened his grip on her lower back and even hold the back of her head to ensure she'll not go anywhere. He can still feel that this girl is not moving, so he take advantage of her and inserted his tongue to explore her mouth. Once done, he felt satisfied and put a smirk before kissing her lips passionately. He bit her lower lip and he heard an 'ouch'. That's when the girl seems to recover from the shock and started struggling from him. He let go of the woman with a smirk, then he lowered his head to her and as if on cue, she covered her mouth from his attack.

"You'll be mine, no matter what. By hook or by crook. Remember that, woman" He sexily whispered on her ear before licking it which sent shivers on her body.

She immediately backed out and looked for a different way where she can find her friend, Gerlyka.


While, eating her breakfast, Ash unconsciously touched her lips after sipping a cup of coffee. The asshole from last night take her very first kiss and just disappeared like that. She wasn't even able to punch nor slap the pervert. But, she chose to dismiss the idea of what happened. She still have school and it would only be a few weeks before it's over. She just heaved a sigh before deciding to leave.

She started her cars engine and drive her way to Gerlyka's house. She's sure as hell that the girl is probably sleeping due to her hangover. So when she arrived at her place, she immediately go to Gerlyka's room and to her surprise, the bitch is widely awake and is putting make up on her face.

"Woah! What happened?" She confusedly asked Gerlyka, 'cause everytime she have a hangover on a weekday, Ash would need to wake her up.

"I dunno either. I just woke up awhile ago even before my alarm went wild" Gerlyka just shrugged as if asking the same question to herself.

"That's pretty weird. But, it doesn't change the fact that we need to hurry because we're late. You gonna bring your car?" Ash asked her friend whose finishing her make up.

"Yup. Am not even feeling the after effect of the alcohol, so I'm fine." She said while walking towards the door.

They arrived at their school in no time and when their classes starts, they just did what a normal student would do until it was time for their lunch break.

"Two classes were dismissed for today. So, shall we go somewhere else?" Gerlyka asked her in excitement.

"The weather seems really good, so let's just slump ourselves to the field after buying some snacks." Ash answered and so they did.

They are currently walking around the huge field while chitchatting about something as they are finding for a great spot to sit on when they bumped to a group of guys. Ash and Gerlyka muttered their sorry and decided to walk past the group. Ash didn't even try to look who are they and just proceeded on walking past them. Not until someone held her hand that makes her look up to see the person but soon regretted doing it. Her bright eyes turned big as she recognized the person holding her hand. She tried to get it back, but he gripped it too tight that she's getting hurt.

"Let go. I'm getting hurt" Ash barked with authority, but the person in front of her just smirk.

"What if I don't?" He grinned which caused her brows to form a knot before attempting to get her hand once more, but failed to do so.

Ger pleaded to the guy in front of her whom her friend called Luce. Ash became confused as to why her friend acted apologetically to this stranger.

"Luce ha! Lucifer suits you better." Ash scoffed which earned a gasp from Gerlyka and a laugh from the twins that confused her even more.

"That's indeed his name, lady." Drew interrupted her thoughts.

"I present to you, the ever famous Lucifer Crown." Drake then continued with a laugh which earned a glare from Ash. She never heard of the guy's name so she's not really aware that he's famous.

"I don't care about anyone of you. Luce or Lucifer whatever, let go of my hand. Now!" She demanded to the man in front of her but she just earned another smirk.

"You're feisty and that made me to like you even more." She was about to protest when this guy turn around dragging her to somewhere. He have long strides and she is having a hard time catching up. Her height is just 5'5 while the guy looks like 6' feet in height.

"Where are you dragging me, assh*le?" She kept struggling but to no avail. She sighed and just let herself be dragged cause it hurts even more when she struggle to get her hand from the monster.

They arrived at the parking lot and she was awed when they stopped in front of a red Ferrari but it's not the time for her to be surprised with such luxury car. She was about to ask something when she was thrown on the passenger's seat and before she can plan an escape, Luce already locked the door and started the engine and without a choice, she just immediately wear a seatbelt.