Alpha Kane

Alpha Kane leaned her gloomy face against her window and indulged in the twilight. How many years have I been indulging in the twilight like this, and three years have passed?

She gazed at the light green sky and the skyline of the earth, along its distorted boundaries, and she looked in the direction of the star's sinking.

It was a quiet day. It was such tranquility as if she was telling the beginning of something.

This town is called Orleans. There were only two schools in Orleans, and many of them became outlaws because they were too poor to belong to a corporate nation even after graduating.

In this world, a corporate nation, a so-called meta-enterprise, is said to be at the center of the world order. I hear that human beings, Homo sapiens sapiens, who came to this planet long ago, have developed various cultures on the former planet by the idea expressed by words such as religion and capital.

I don't know anything, but when I look at the world today, I somehow understand what it was like. It's probably something like ZAMLT or tech that adults are tweeting about or something like that.

It's almost 19 but I have a lover.

Is there a way to teleport between galaxies?

Everyone reacts stunned at first.

"How do you teleport between galaxies?"

"Easy thing"

"What do you mean?"

"Is there a destination and a place of departure? Set it, put on a voidsuit, and just follow the instructions."

"Can you go that easily?"

"At least in my memory, I don't know what's going on now."

It may be a long time ago that the degree of space-time development is different because the material interaction is different between planets.

"At least go. To another planet. Then, if you exchange culture, you will see something new."


The teacher said only that. I've been with the universe for six years, but it only taught me that.

I should have asked a little more ...


Akari Todo belongs to a corporate nation called Apple. It is a huge organization of 10,000 people run by the whole family. She transfers money from her parents incomparably more than Alpha. There is a difference of more than 10 times. Due to such differences in the environment, some people like safety nets, but basically, he and they do not play an active part together.

We will fulfill each other's mission without knowing each other.

Such a world was increasing its construction speed.

Cassiopeia dwarf galaxy E16 system second planet.

That's the name of the planet I'm done with. It's a very long name. It is said to have been named by the founder immigrants who first emigrated here.

The planet was hit by snowball earth more than 300 years ago, or even 10,000 years ago.

I don't know the reason, but it is said that it is at least a very accidental event. It is said to be a natural phenomenon with a slight gap in every perturbation parameter in the galaxy.

Humans first emigrated about 300 years ago, so it seems unrelated.

The earth in 3500 AD may have reached a major turning point in a sense. The rush of human migration has boomed and has set foot on many planets in the local group of galaxies. With the development of science and technology such as sombrero, Andromeda, and Cassiopeia, it has become common to hear their names as galaxies, and the planetary atmosphere of the earth has changed, albeit in trace amounts, due to environmental changes.

The red planet, Mars, has already become a colony, and the United Kingdom and other coalitions have claimed sovereignty, and the coalition is not only the solar system but also planets such as Proxima b and stars in various habitable zones such as Grise. Was dropped under his control.

It seems that conflicts have occurred frequently between galaxies or in them, and it is said that there have been many brutal acts, although I do not know the details.

However, it seems that the connecting force of gravity is completely different between the E16 and the sun, and it is gradually diverging from that civilization, so we regularly send envoys to update the information.