Bounty hunters and space heroes

Allen and Kane were completely overwhelmed. However, it was their deepest desire to do something to change such a hopeless situation. They thought for three days and three nights about how to do it. Then, suddenly, they received a single call.

"Mr. Allen! What's this?"

It was from Maria. "What's this?" Allen looked at Maria with a dumbfounded expression on his face. She was apparently standing there with a flyer. Allen immediately took up the flyer she was holding.

What...? A warrior competition sponsored by the Aloe Oil Company? "Apparently, if you participate in this tournament and win, you can get a large sum of money, 400,000, and also visit the planet that Aloe Oil has," Maria said.

When Maria said this, Allen immediately woke up Kane. "Hey, Alpha Kane I have a favor to ask you."

Alpha Kane was slumped over. When Allen told him that, he immediately woke up in a huff and looked at Maria and the flyer in his hand after a few seconds of staring at Allen.

I'm not sure if this is going to be on or not.

"Of course."

Allen answered with a straight face and immediately prepared to compete. But are you sure you want me to represent you? Kane was not an employee of Strawberry. Kane was not an employee of Strawberry, and the flyer had probably been sent to Strawberry, not to Kane. Nevertheless, Allen shook his head.

Thus, Alpha Kane's entry into the warrior competition was hastily decided.

That night, Kane was talking with Allen. What time was the warrior decider? I think it's tomorrow," Allen said, referring to a date that Alpha had not expected.

Tomorrow, for God's sake! 'Why not? You don't like it, do you?

400,000 tokens, okay?"

Allen sensed Alpha's greedy mood. I don't really want it that badly.

I don't really want it that badly, because it wasn't meant for you in the first place, was it? Alpha hesitated. Well, actually, yes, but I didn't think any of our employees would want to participate in this.

I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's a good idea. I'm not sure if I'll be able to do it. You can have some of this then, right? Alpha demanded a reward from Allen. Of course. Go ahead and spend it all.

If I win, will I have to go to Aloe Oil alone? If I win, will I have to go to Aloe Oil alone? This time the case was beneficial for both Allen and Alpha. I see.

The date changed while they were discussing the matter. At this time, Kane did not know. At this time, Kane did not know that this tournament was very biased.

The day of the tournament arrived.

"Alpha Kane! It's the day! It's going to be held at the Gigapolis Sports Complex. Let's go!" The two of them, Allen full of confidence and Kane with a sleepy face, were busy from early morning.

You're going already? You're early, aren't you?

They arrived at the playground. They arrived at the playground and were greeted by a sight they could not believe their eyes. What? Is this real?"

Surely, Mr. Allen, you must have done something wrong.

In the blink of an eye, the two men's expressions changed. To my surprise, the people who had gathered there were the HEROS, who were active off-planet.

This was a big miscalculation. We had made another big mistake. More than 70% of the participants were women.

This was, without a doubt, a tournament where women of HEROS would compete for the championship. Allen put a hand to his face, wondering why he had signed up for a tournament in such a niche area.

Seriously, I miscalculated... I was expecting a bunch of Gigapolis lemmings to show up here... but what's this sight? There's a whole different kind."

"Are we really going to fight in this...?

I'm not so sure about this..." Kane quickly went into defensive mode. But there is one fortunate thing. This competition is not a fistfight, although it is called a warrior competition. It is a competition of superiority and inferiority based on a set of rules, and the genres are diverse.

It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for, but it's not always possible. I'm sure you'll be able to find something that works for you. I'm not sure what to say. I'm not sure if you've heard of it or not, but I'm sure you've heard of it. I can't even read their thought processes.

"Mr. Allen. I'm sorry...

I'm sorry... but I'll get it next time.

While we were having this exchange, a woman approached us from the other side.

Are you two participants in this tournament? "Yes, we are?" If so, please finish your business at the reception desk across the street.

I got out of the car and headed for the registration desk. It was true that this was a tournament for warriors, not a gambling game of one-upmanship.

I could feel it when I looked at the women of HEROS, their muscles bulging and their abs cracking into four-packs.

'Why did you guys decide to enter this competition? The guy sitting over there signed up on his own, that's why we're here.

He signed up a day in advance, and we didn't want to pay the cancellation fee, so we just signed up. Of course, I want to win.

"Oh, yeah. My name is Rebecca, I'm on a planet called R14 and I'm communicating with an external life form.

"No, I have not. I've only ever imagined what it would be like to be weightless off a planet.

Yes, it's not so bad, not only on R14 but everywhere is lighter gravity than here. I remembered something about TECHROSUS, which operates on the outer planets. You've heard of TECHROSUS, right? What do they do there? I don't know what they're doing, because they're hostile to us, HEROS. From what I've heard, some people have moved on from HEROS.

I don't know what they're doing. Is that surprisingly common?

I think it's because the activities of this group are a little more radical. It's not a lot, but I get the impression that a few people disappear every year.

I don't know. I'm not sure how many people are out there, but I get the impression that a few people disappear every year. "Rules?" Yes, there are no set rules, but you have to win as many events as you can within the time limit. The stage will be a radius of several kilometers, starting at the Gigapolis Sports Complex. The stage will be a few kilometers in radius, starting at the Gigapolis Sports Complex. There will be 50 of them. We will compete to see how many of them we have won in the next six hours."

"Oh, so you're going to collect digital badges or something like that? Yes, that's right.

When you win, you get an electronic medal, which has points on it, and you compete based on the total number of points. The events with the highest points are karate and boxing, while the ones with the lowest points are squats and whatnot.

I see... Is that the end of the competition after six hours of fighting? No, that's not the end. After that, there is a fight with the EVILS. This is unique, but you have to face the EVILS that break in.


Well, to put it break-in they're like vermin in the universe. This is probably just a practice competition, but it's a competition for exoplanet assassins, so they have these things.

This is probably practice, but it's a competition for exoplanet assassins, so they do this kind of thing..."

"So exoplanets are a lot of work..."

Apparently, EVILS are beings that fly around exoplanets and can interfere with work. They are, so to speak, E16 extraterrestrials. There was trouble with them at the end, and this was not a competition, but a mission for everyone. Incidentally, there were a total of eight players participating in this tournament. They were Alpha Kane, Rebecca, Clementine, Yoshiro, Linlin, Linda, Fabre, and Ninny.