Introducing The Twelve Kingdoms

Once upon a time, in a land hidden from the world that we know, there was a realm; a realm that included twelve kingdoms united as one.

Once upon a time, an intelligent man invented the time travel machine and travelled in Time. He brought many treasures with him, but he was murdered in his sleep by no one knows whom and the key to his time machine was lost. The only thing that was left, were the treasures he had brought from his travels.

Those treasures were delivered to the Twelve Kingdoms. All those spoils were equally given away. Of course, all those that were never reported, have all disappeared.

However, the Twelve Kingdoms have been in constant progress ever since that happened.

First, the Kingdom of Gaunt. The Kingdom covering half the South and reaches the river Xander. The last two hundred years it's being ruled by the Laurentice Family, also known as the Red Lords. Their current lord is Ferdinand the Sixth, under the absolute scrutiny of King Dante the Second the Erudite.

Then, the Kingdom of Kondor, the kingdom of the sixty islands. Every island in the realm is ruled by one, Kondor. The last decades, it's being ruled by the Oaks and currently by Lord Edward the Tenth, under they eye of King Dante.

The Kingdom of Pentokrat. The smallest kingdom of all. It covers the one third of the vast Westand ever since it was created, it's being ruled by the Landover Family. Lord Thexon, their current leige, has been closer to the King than any other Lord.

The Kingdom of Kateria. A kingdom always ruled by women, the Lavender Family. Their current Lady, Verena the First, was crowned just twelve years old and has been counting five years of ruling. Her kingdom is seated under the Kingdom of Gaunt.

The Kingdom Of Thambonis. The kingdom that possessed almost three fours of the East, the one that controlled the treading of all the Realm. The Kendare family has been ruling it and its current lord is Philix Kendare the Second.

The Kingdom of Posperius. A vast territory, covering the rest of the West, while being the bridge between the North and the South. Ever since its founding, it's being ruled by the mighty Aragon family and Lord Vernon is his current ruler.

The Kingdom of Santoroum. The remaining quarter of the East. A huge valley, full of fertile lands. It's ruled by the family of Weller and now by Lord Daniel Weller.

The Kingdom of Iodeos. It's been ruled for a whole century by Lord Evinrout Penerd, who has more than fifty descendants, yet so stubborn to die. It covers the southest part of the North, being the bridge between Winterwall and Thambonis.

The Kingdom of Rosphor. The western part of the North, which changes its name based on its ruling family. Lord Henry Rosphor the Second has been ruling it for two decades.

The Kingdom of Winterwall. The biggest kingdom of all and the greatest in the North, right on its center. It is being ruled by the ancient family of the Andalons, with Lord Richard Andalon being its current ruler.

The Kingdom of Vergon. The southern part of the North. Many consider it part of Winterwall, because it greatly depends on it. Its habitants are mostly shepherds. It's being ruled by Lord Niron.

The Kingdom of Zephyr. The one Kingdom that rules all the twelve. Right next to the Kingdom of Gaunt, it covers the biggest part of the South. It's current dynasty is the Redborns, with the last one being King Dante the Second the Erudite with six dead wives and six daughters.

Who will succeed him? Who will become the next Queen of the Twelve Kingdoms?