Zack snapped back to reality. He charged into the high schooler. The axe flew out of his hands and into the air. They fell onto the floor. Zack was on top of the high schooler. He punched the high schooler over and over again. He then saw the axe. Him and the high schooler leaped towards the axe.
Zack grabbed the axe. He swung it at the high schoolers chest. They jumped back just in time. There was no slash on the shirt. The high schooler pulled a knife out of there pocket. The high schooler leaped towards him. He moved the axe quickly. The axe landed into there neck. Blood exploded out of there wound.
Then he ripped out the axe. The high schooler collapsed onto the ground. Zack started to cough blood again. Some of the blood landed on the floor. He started to walk towards a school door.
He left the room. He looked down the hallway. He looked at the bloody axe. He had killed no not killed murdered two people. He thought in his head, I'm going mad. He dropped the axe. He collapsed on his knees and he started to sob.