
The wall between the Lower and the Upper city had been gone for two year as well as what used to be the Lower city had been rebuilt all within the first year of King Christopher's reign. He had also made Dark bloods equal citizen's in the country making it so that we couldn't be denied entry to towns or villages that once would have denied us. He was ambitious, I would give him that. There was still unrest between the Dark Bloods and the rest of the citizens- you couldn't expect people to change over night, but it was progress. He had even made a council with two Dark Blood representatives, two peasant mortal representatives, Swordsmaster Eveline and his champion, Alistor. Our two representatives were Quinn and Sebastian as I humbly denied the position when asked and pointed them towards the half dragon. His kind needed a voice here in the capital. He was surprised as was Quinn, but I had enough responsibilities these days as his second in command.

The Blood Moon was no longer really needed to protect the citizens of the once Lower City as we had been when we first came and I grew restless. I was a warrior at heart- not a book keeper. Quinn had been scattering the men to keep tabs in each of the villages to make sure that Dark Bloods were being treated fairly and so far there hadn't been much need for force. I was surprised with having such a young untested King on the throne that everything was so still.

A light knock came on my door.

"It's unlocked," I said off handedly as I glanced to see who was coming in.

My breath caught for a moment and my heart beat quickened. Sasha. She had grown in the last few years into a more beautiful woman. She had matured and hit puberty with having a more curvy figure. Her canines were no longer so enlarged that they stuck out.

"What?" she asked tilting her head to one side.

I shook my head trying to focus. I had still not allowed myself to be bewitched by her womanly charms over the years even with the peace. I was afraid of hurting her, but under it all I was still undeniably drawn to her. She called it a Soul link- a string that fate had tied us together and destined us to be a pair.

"Nothing," I said smiling up at her. "What brings you here?"

She rolled her eyes. "You need to get some sunlight, Jaspen."

Sasha complained constantly that I kept myself inside too much around musty papers. The truth was, besides looking at notes from lords for jobs and who to send as well as the check ins from the other towns, I was keeping up on my own bit of research. Quinn believed the Keltcher were gone. I didn't. There had been whispers over the years and as of late they were growing stronger. There was unrest with the wall gone. I had snuffed out anyone I found to be in the group, but no matter what findings I brought to Quinn, he turned a blind eye to it.

"Jaspen, are you listening to me?" she asked bringing me out of my thoughts.


She sighed. "I asked you to go hunting with me."

"Sasha, you know I can't use a bow."

"Just accompany me," she pleaded.

I sighed looking at the stack of papers I had yet to get through and then back at her. She had her lip partially pouted batting her eyes at me. I groaned. I never stood a chance.

"An hour," I said sternly. "I have much to get done."

She smiled. "I promise."

I already knew that it would be much more than an hour. She would get a rabbit and then she would make me stay for the meal. The meal would lead to drinks and talking. That would lead to her helping me back to my room and then Quinn yelling at me in the morning, but for now, I would enjoy a break with the one person I felt safe with even if I would never allow her to be closer to me than as a friend.