
After the fifth night on the road with Sweede, we came to the outskirts of Timberfell. Immediately I felt something was off. I sensed no dark bloods. I looked over at Sweede to see him sitting stiffly in his saddle more alert than he had been in several hours.


"The pack bond…I sense none of them. I don't…I dont understand. We saw no one on the road. I don't like this."

I had almost forgot werewolves had what they called a "pack bond" where they all could communicate within a certain distance through eachother's thoughts. It was an enhanced version of my mind reading.

The road had been vacant of any other travelers. If they weren't here, they went north or dispersed into the forest. The question is why?

Sweede sniffed the air.

"I smell fresh burned wood.. or least a few days ago."

That was troubling.

From the small hill we sat on, all I could see was the stone wall that surrounded Timberfell as well as the torchlight from the guards walking the embankment.

"Come on," he said breaking the silence. "We'll never figure out what is going on from here."

Before I could protest that we needed to think out a few options, he had nudged his mount on ahead. I sighed heavily in frustration before following a short trotting distance behind. Sharlek had to have fated Sweede to get me killed for sure. Short of the wall, we dismounted and led our horses forward. I couldnt keep the fear from growing in my chest quickening my already odd heart beat.

"Business?" Called a guard.

"Seeking a room for the night!"

There was a brief pause before I heard the squeal of the overused gears as the gate was lowered. Once in, we were greeted by a Guardian wearing a yellow tunic.

"The inn is towards the center of town."

He took a tentative step forward.

"Do not linger here. The Phoenix Guard has the backing of the Lord of the town and it is not safe for your kind here. Stay to the inn and leave as soon as you are rested."

Phoenix Guard? Not safe? This group whoever's they he sounded close to the Keltcher and it heated me tremendously.

"What happened to the other dark bloods?"

He averted his gaze. "The Pheonix ran them out and burned their small shambles. As I said it is not safe for you here."

He was a Guardian cowering to this vigilante group? Dishonorable.

"And you, as a Guardian, allowed that to just happen?"

Sweede grabbed my shoulder.

"They executed our captain," he said quietly. "Don't question what you know nothing on."

Who was this group and how had they risen so fast?

"Leave by first light if you value your life," he said in a serious tone before marching off.

"Depressing fellow isn't he?"

I didnt know what to say. I was on edge with the discovery of this new group targeting dark bloods. They were more dangerous then the Keltcher because they had financial backing. I would have to tread carefully.

"Come on," he said touching my shoulder after a moment to bring me back to the present.