
Sakura: - Why is this sweet talk

Danny: - It's new and I have to give it a wonderful katana

The first katana in Sanad's hand was decorated and his fist was blue

As for Sakura's katana, his fist was pink

Sanad: - Hey, Kaguya why didn't buy a katana

Kaguya: - I'm a witch, I can get katana by magic

When they got home

Sakura: - Hey, Sanad give me your katana and I'll give you my katana

Sanad: - But the katana in your hand is pink

Sakura: - If only you love me, let's switch the katana

Sanad: - Go ahead

Sanad gave his katana and in turn Sakura gave him her own katana

Kaguya: - Listen, Sanad

Sanad: - What

Kaguya: - Do you like bloated girls?

Sanad blushed face

Sanad: - You're perverted, flat lolly

Kaguya was angry at Sanad's dashing response

When he went to bed, Sakura was the only one who did not sleep

She approached Sanad and placed her hands on his eyes, and Sakura's blue katana was in Sakura's hand and whispered in his ear, after that the katana shone a light.

After I completed I fell asleep

The next day

Sakura got up to see Sanad's mood fickle

I sat with him and asked him

Sakura: - Sanad, why are you sad?

Sanad: - I miss my world, I miss Kyouka

Sakura: - Me too, when I entered your world it only passed one day, and I am like you are now

Sanad: - Kyouka will worry about us and the rest as well

Sakura: - My sister has a witch girlfriend

Sanad: - What is my business with it

Sakura: - It's a witch who sends messages via telepathy

Sanad: - Are you sure

Sakura: - All for confirmation

Sanad shook his head with a bright smile

When Kaguya got up, she looked at her sister and told her what time was it now

Sakura: - It's noon

Kaguya: - We have a job. Let's go before we're late, take your katana with you, To be ready, if we encounter bandits.

When Sanad and Sakura took their katana

Sakura: - Where are you taking us

Kaguya: - To that house in the middle of the farm

Sakura: - That old man again

Kaguya: - Yeah, the sheep and mow the grass around the house

When they got to that place

Kaguya knocked the door

No one responded

Kaguya knocked the door again

No one responded

Kaguya knocked at the door as far as she could

So that old man opened the door

The old man: - Is that you, Palastina?

Kaguya: - Don't remember that name in front of me again

The old man: - Then this is you, Kaguya

The old man: - These sheep do not want to eat. They usually eat a little grass, but today, in your eyes, the grass reaches your stomach.

Kaguya: - I enter the house and I'll see what's wrong with them

Kaguya: - I know you'll say 100 sheep, come in, to rest

Sakura went near the water

Sakura felt strange about the dark blue water

Sakura took her sword up and held it up straight until it pointed at a sheep

The eyes of the sheep turned from brown to red

Sakura: - As you know

Sanad: - What?

Sakura: -Not time to explain. Close the door and come fight those sheep

Sanad: - I did not understand your principles but I will do what you said

Sanad hurriedly did so the sheep began to attack

Started Sakura kills these sheep with Sanad's help And Kaguya that asked for a sword of her magic

All of them fight according to their prowess

One of the sheep bite Kaguya the fastest Sanad and killed that sheep

After They finished fighting the 100 sheep and finished mowing the lawn, then they explained to Sanad, Kaguya, and Sakura what happened to those sheep.

And on their way back

Sanad: - Why did you feel strange about these sheep?

Sakura: - Someone dissolved essence and put it in the water that the sheep were drinking for this reason their eyes turned from brown to red

Kaguya met her friend, Kaguya pointed to her friend

When Kaguya's friend approached to them

kaguya, I haven't seen you in a while, Sally

Sakura and Sanad: - who is Sally

Kaguya: - My friend who sends messages via telepathy, in short, she is a witch

Delightfulness came to Sanad's face be Continue