
In the evening Mark came in Xian's office and said, "Lui Lan will be there with the CEO".

"So?," mumbled Xian.

"Don't loose your temper", said Mark.

"I won't.....He doesn't bother me that much", said Xian.

Mishi came inside and the two stopped talking. "Mishi have you checked the things?", asked Xian.


"Mark let's go then", said Xian. Mishi went to the meeting room and put the papers before Xian's chair on the table. "Ms Xua did you check the file I told you to?", asked Mishi.

"Yes Ma'am. Director Mark has signed on it", said Xua. Mishi places the file on the table and checked the laptop. After they were done they came out and stood beside the elevator, waiting for them to come. After 5 minutes the elevator opened up. Xian stepped out with Waixi and others. Mishi greeted Waixi and the associates along with him. They walked towards the meeting room. The meeting went for two hours, finalizing the deal with SJM.

Mishi tried to ignore her uncle as much as possible so when the meeting get over she excuses herself from there saying she's going out to take some documents. She was walking in the lobby when her uncle came before him.

"Uncle", Mishi mumbled...."I mean Mr Waixi".

"Can we have a talk?", asked her uncle.

"Sir but...."

"As a family not as business partners", said her uncle. "Come home with your husband. Since you've married so it's my duty towards you".

"Do you want to again harm me? Uncle I've given every thing to you now I don't have anything with me. Don't involve him with your dirty tricks", said Mishi angrily.

"You indeed learnt how to talk back after you get married to him", said Waixi. "If I had known about this earlier then I would've signed a deal with him so that he could throw you out but you married him...."

Mishi looked at him with teary eyes.

"Just come home. Grandma wants to see you.... All these years I've stopped her but she's sick so I want to make her wish complete", said Waixi.

They were having talk when Xian called Mishi's name.

"What are you two talking?", asked Xian looking at Mishi.

"Nothing Mr Xian. I just liked your PA's idea in the meeting so I'm just asking her from where she has studied and stuff", lied Waixi and looked at Mishi with a smile.

"Let me drop you till the gate", said Xian and walked away with him. Mishi looked at them and went to the office. She sat in her chair and reminisced the day when her uncle throw them out of the house.

"What will I say to Xian? Will he believe me?", mumbled Mishi when her phone rang. Chang was calling her.

"Sisi come home with brother Xian", said Chang.

"Why? We are busy", said Mishi.

"Sisi you've to come home okay", said Chang and hangs up the call.

"They must be missing us", mumbled Mishi.

"Mishi, Xian is waiting for you in the parking lot. Carry his things and let's go", said Li. Mishi stood up from the chair, put her phone in the purse and grabbed Xian's office bag. "Let's go", said Mishi to Li and they left the office.


"Xian I got a call from Chang. He said that we should go there(you and I)", said Mishi putting the things inside the car.

"Okay. Wang drive to the home. Mark you can come along we're coming home....", said Xian while loosening his tie.

Wow great", said Mark and get into the front seat. Mishi and Xian get into the back seat. Wang started the car and they left for the home.

"Liu lan was asking about you Mishi. I mean he got to know that you married Xian. Didn't you tell them?", asked Mark. Xian looked at Mishi.

"No I didn't get the time to tell them", said Mishi.

"He was searching for you after the meeting. He said that he brought some gifts for CC", said Mark.

Mishi eyes filled with tears because he remembered how Bai told her that she is befriended them because they've money".

"Mishi what happened? Are you crying?", asked Mark looking at the front mirror in the car. Xian turned to her to notice her.

"Ahh...no no. Dust fell into my eyes. Window is open so....", said Mishi trying to cover up the truth that's revolving in her mind.

"Wang close the window", said Xian. Mishi interrupted Xian saying let it remain open. Xian noticed her and thought something is off between Bai and her. Mark looked at Xian turning behind and gestured him to ask Mishi. Xian refused saying time isn't right.

Wang stopped the car in front of the gate. "Come Wang inside", said Mark while getting off the car.

"Brother I've to go. My wife..."

"Oh okay....bye see you tomorrow", said Mark with a smile and went inside the home followed by Xian and Mishi. As they both stepped inside there was complete darkness. Xian called for Mark but he didn't respond.

"Mishi you're here right?", asked Xian. But Mishi didn't say anything. He took out his phone to turn it on when lights suddenly turned on and every one in his family started singing happy birthday song for Xian.

Xian smiled seeing them especially the happy face of her mother and the kids. They were revolving around him and Chunhua held his hand to make him dance.


"Brother how can you forget your birthday.... I mean who forgets his own b-day?", asked Chunhua.

"Xian always forgets his. He's so busy in his work that's why. You're lucky to see his face for these few weeks thanks to Mishi. I mean after he married he understood that he should leave early from the office", said Mark. Xian looked at him and smiled.

Mishi came there with a cake and said, "let's cut the cake first".

Biyu held Xian's arm and made him stood beside the table. "Make a wish", said Mishi. Xian leaned close to her and said, "should I wish for my revenge from you?"

"You've to make a wish for yourself", said Mishi in a low voice looking into his eyes.

"If I'll get my revenge then my wish will be completed", said Xian in her ear and smiled.

"Hey kids are also here. You two can do such things in your room", said Mark. Mishi stepped back from him. Chang and Chunhua smiled seeing this. Xian blew the candle and cuts the cake. He made eat the first cake piece to his mom, then CC and Mark. They were smiling along with each other when Mishi came forwards to make him eat but he refused to eat. Mishi felt bad and went to the kitchen.

"Mark it was your idea??", asked Xian.

"Ours" , said CC and his mom in unison.

"Brother it's from our side", said Chang giving him a gift. Xian smiled and thanked them.

"Isn't it strange Sisi doesn't know about your bday?", said Chunhua and looked at Xian questionably.

"Kid she knows. She wanted me to take to a romantic place but then Chang called her and we're here", said Xian and smiled.

"Brother you're so romantic", said Chunhua and giggled. Xian and Mark smiled seeing her.

"Mishi have you and Xian decided to go out somewhere?", asked Biyu looking at Mishi who came outside of the kitchen at that moment. She looked at Xian in confusion.

"Mom she said she wants to go out with me but then Chang's phone came and she dropped the plan.....", said Xian.

"Sisi you should've told me about that. Then....."

"Chang it's fine. We both have enough time to go out.....", said Xian.

"But you both hasn't gone for honeymoon till now", said Biyu.

Xian rolled his eyes big and said, "Mom kids are here you should"

"They're grown ups....", said his mom. CC smiled looking at them. "That's why I've decided something. Here these are the tickets for your honeymoon", said Biyu taking out tickets from her pocket and handed him the tickets.

"Mom there's so much work to do....I can't leave the company behind me", said Xian and then looked at Mishi to say something.

"Mark is there. He can also work in your place. Every person takes some days leaves unlike you. I don't know anything you've to go....", said Biyu. CC are giggling looking at them along with Mark.

"Mom is right. Even I took leave from office. Now you're married so it's a good thing for take some days leave. I will take care of the things", said Mark and winked at him.

"Mom Xian has lots of work to do. We will go later....", said Mishi. Biyu looked at her and said, "Mishi he never takes a proper rest. It's the good thing when you both can spend time with each other". Mishi looked at Xian who was pleading with his eyes.

"Mom he talked with me about this earlier too. We will go on some short trips", said Mishi looking at Xian.

"Yes mom. Mishi and I already know everything about each other and we both love short trips rather than long vacations", said Xian defending Mishi.

"Okay...", said Biyu with a sad face. Mark noticed Mishi who seems somewhat uncomfortable about all this. To make the things happy he said, "let's have dinner then...." Biyu nodded and walked towards the dining room. Mishi sets the dining table quickly and served them the dinner. They started eating while talking with each other.