Get out of my Life!

Seeing Xian and Mishi coming downstairs everyone stood up from the couch in living room.

"Sisi...", mumbled Chunhua.

"CC do you wanna go with your sister or live with me?", asked Xian looking at Chunhua and Chang.

"Don't involve them in this. They will come with me because they are my family", said Mishi looking at Xian.

Mark and Lau Lan came forward to stop them. "They're children. Don't fight before them", said Mark.

Chunhua started crying hearing these things. "Sisi why are you giving him divorce when he loves you so much?", asked Chunhua while crying.

"Chun I'll tell you later but let's first pack your things", said Mishi wiping off her tears. She jerked her hands and said, "Why are you like this? We get suffered because of your stubbornness. That day if you hadn't questioned uncle about the fraud we wouldn't be thrown out of the house. Do you know how hard it was for us?"