There's no love only revenge

Yuwan and Mishi were inside the car when Xian came there and started knocking at its window. Yuwan was going to open the window when Mishi told him not to do so and start the engine.

"Listen to him at least," said Yuwan.

"Start the car. I've an important deal to sign," said Mishi and took out her phone from the pocket. Yuwan started the car and they left from there. Xian ran after the car but it was gone from his sight. Mark came there in his car and told him to get in. Xian did the same.

"Looking into this matter it doesn't appear Yin's fault. My relationship tainted because I didn't believe her. Mark, it's really hurting me," said Xian and laid his head back.

"Xian, you heard that Mishi used to cry daily for one whole year. She must have waited for you but we won't be able to find her. Imagine her life for that whole year period. Give her time, that's the best you can do now," said Mark.

Xian closed his eyes. After sometime he asked, "Why did Mishi agree to Yin?"