Repaying by Revenge?

In the morning Xian was ready to leave when someone knocked at the door. Xian opened the door and found Xiu Ying there. He greeted Xiu and told him to come inside.

"Housekeeper told me that you came last night here. What happened? Are you okay?," asked Xiu Ying looking at Xian.

"I'm fine sir. I was nearby the locality and the rain started pouring down. The cabs also stopped taking bookings so I thought to come here and spend a night here. Sorry sir to disturb you," murmured Xian.

"Don't say sorry. It's your house too. It's good you came here. Let's go have breakfast with me," said Xiu Ying and held Xian's hand.

"Ahh sir. I've to return. I'll come by someday." Xian was trying to escape the situation. He didn't want to make Mishi uncomfortable about this.