Building New Relationships

Yuwan was working on his desktop when Xia came there. She sat on the couch and turned her face to him. Yuwan asked, "What happened? Something must've been bothering you."

"I'm frustrated because I proposed Mark," murmured Xia. Yuwan stopped typing on the keyboard and looked at Xia. 

"What?," asked Yuwan.

"I proposed to him two weeks ago but he rejected me. He loves Yin," murmured Xia. Yuwan got up from his chair and went near him. Sitting on the opposite side of her, Yuwan said, "You fell for a guy for the first time. At least you should've told me."

"That I got rejected? I happened to see him yesterday but I've to change my path from him. I never did this in my life but for that guy….ahhh….he will laugh at me to get to know about this," muttered Xia and put her palms on her face.