
Jackson reached Yuwan's home and saw Yuwan was hugging his father's body while Xia was crying standing beside him. "Yuwan," whispered Jackson and went closer to him.

Xia looked at him and then lowered her eyes. Jackson patted at Yuwan's shoulder. "Why didn't you tell me that time has been over for dad?" Asked Yuwan with tears in his eyes. 

"I was tied with a promise. I called you but your father picked up the call. He told me not to tell you. Forgive me," murmured Jackson and got teary eyed. Mishi and Xian also reached there. 

Seeing Yuwan's father's soulless body, Mishi stumbled in step but Xian held her by the shoulders. She started crying. "Yuwan," murmured Mishi and walked to him. Yuwan got up and hugged her tightly. 

"Dad didn't let me know. How can I be so irresponsible. He's gone. I didn't make his last wish true," stammered Yuwan in his voice. Tears fell from Xian's eyes too but he wiped them off.