I will Find You!

The doctor came to Mishi's house for her checkup. Her right leg was fully recovered so the doctor removed the bandages from it. The doctor talked with her for a while before leaving.

Yaixi and Ginni told her to take a rest, to which Mishi refused. "I always sleep. I'm now bored by taking this rest. I want to go somewhere out," stated Mishi making a pout. Yaixi caressed her head and told her for her expeditious recovery she needs rest. Ginni agreed with her husband. 

"Didn't you hear the doctor? He clearly said now I can go wherever I want to," said Mingmei and looked at them. A knock on the door made them look at the door when they found it was Lau Lan. They smiled seeing him and told him to come inside.

"Lau now only you can make Mishi understand. Tell her that she should take rest," said Ginni.