Sorry Mom-dad for making her cry!

Mishi was walking through the lobby, thinking about how Zhao's father spoke bluntly to her. She had tears in her eyes. Raising her face she was trying to hide those tears. "You do not need to cry when you did not do anything wrong," murmured Mishi while she was looking at the ceiling. 

Her phone started vibrating. She took out the phone from her pocket and saw Xian's name over the screen. A smile carved on her lips and she answered the call. She brought the phone to the ear when from the other side, Xian said, "Mishi, I love you."

The tears which she was controlling could not be able to stay put and started pouring down her eyes. Unknowingly she started sobbing but she put the palm on her mouth so that Xian could not listen to her sobs. "Mishi, are you okay? You did not answer me. Did I disturb you?" Xian asked from the other side of the phone.

Mishi shook her head in refusal and spoke. "I- I am a good Xian. Why did you call?" Mishi inquired.