Will you be the mother of Sam?

Samuel mother was found and also the man whom she was running away. They both were taken to the police station for inquires. Lan Zhan turned on the desktop and filled in their details. "Why did you leave the kid behind?" Lan Zhan asked. 

"He is a burden to me. Moreover he is not my son," stated the woman, Noh Liam. 

"What?" Qu Han exclaimed who sat beside Lan Zhan on the chair. "What do you mean?" he then asked. 

"He is the son of my ex husband who married someone but she died after giving birth to him. I have nothing to do with that boy," muttered the woman. 

"He is your son," stated Lan Zhan. 

"Not mine. I did not do any crime so I think you are holding me and my husband without any reason," asserted the woman. Lan Zhan and Qu Han looked at each other when Lan Zhan said, "Samuel is waiting for you. Since last night he is asking about you. Please take your child as it is not permitted to you to leave him behind."