Zhao's father, Lee Shan Bin

"What did brother Xian tell?" Chunhua asked from Chang. Chang put the phone on the table. "Brother told that Hu Shen did that. He wanted to separate them," stated Chang. 

"Hu Shen? Is he not the guy whose parents were close friends with dad?" Chunhua asked him. Chang nodded. 

"But he used to live in the Netherlands and why is he after Sisi? Moreover, he never showed any interest in Sisi when they were in the college. Why so suddenly?!" Chunhua muttered. 

"True. It is so sudden. Is Ru Shi home? I have something to talk with her," Chang said. 

"No, she isn't. I don't know why are you fighting her case. Gab Dewei isn't telling the truth. Btw, who murdered her father? You must have found," Chunhua asserted and asked him. 

"Umm… it is brother Zao's father, Lee Shan Bin. Gan Dewei works for him since a long time," stated Chang.