Without any proof

Zhao was reading a file, sitting on a swivel chair in his cabinet when he got a call. He looked at the phone and saw Chang's number. "Why is he calling me?" Zhao wondered and answered the call.

"Hello, Chang. You called after a long time. How are you?" Zhao asked, putting the file on the desk. 

"Hello Brother. I am good. How are you?" Chang asked. 

"I am also good," replied Zhao. 

"Brother, I want to meet you. When you will be free?" Chang asked. 

"I am free now. Is something urgent?" Zhao asked. 

"Yes, there is something important I have to talk about with you. Brother, do not let anyone see you when you will come to meet me at Yellow Café. I am waiting for you there," Chang asserted. 

"Okay. I am coming," Zhao replied and hung up the call. He called his secretary to tell him that he was going out to meet the client with whom he was starting the new project. Picking his blazer, he left for the Yellow café house.