Complete our family

Xian moved his hand above the photo frame and said, "You should not have left us." Shui Zhang was confused to hear that. "We were a happy family until you stepped out of our lives. I want to talk out everything with you which I felt that time as a kid," Xian pronounced and turned to look at Shui Zhang. 

"Give that frame to me and leave," Shui Zhang stressed his words. "I do not want to talk with you. We are no longer a family," Shui Zhang proclaimed. 

"Why are you doing this? After 25 years, I am willingly standing before you to talk to you yet, you are pushing me away. Am I that bad son to you?" Xian asked his father. 

"Yes. Now, leave as you have gotten your answer," Shui Zhang stated and forwarded his hand to take the photo frame from Xian but he stepped back.