
She grabbed his hand and started running with him to the castle entrance leaving Eviustrator alone in the courtyard. That spoiled, little, rich kid doesn't deserve her. Just you wait Adrien Agreste, soon she will forget about you and love me. Then I can finally get rid of you once and for all.


Adrien stared in awe at the splendor of the beautiful hallways and rooms. It almost made the castle seem like a maze or a museum. "Wow..." Adrien breathed. "Do you like it?" Marinette asked shyly. "Yes, it's amazing." "Come, let me show you my room." "Y-y-y-your room?" "Yes, why so nervous, you've been in my room before?"

"Y-y-yes, of course I-I have b-but-" "Don't be shy, come on." He gulped as she took him by the hand down the long hallway. Marinette led them to a large door at the end. She took a black diamond skeleton key and put it in the ebony, wood keyhole.

As soon as the door was unlocked, Marinette pushed open the door waving Adrien inside. He walked inside to be welcomed by a grand room. A princess bed was in the middle of the back wall of the room.

A purple crystal chandelier hung at the ceiling. Two French doors were on the right side of there room which led to a balcony that had a vine of black roses. I was silent as I took in the sights."You're welcome to sit wherever you like. I won't mind."

Smiling she left me to explore her room while she went into the bathroom. So many thoughts were wandering through his brain. How was I going to stop Marinette? Should I stop Marinette? How do I get her back if I do? All his thoughts went silent the moment Adrien got a whiff of the smell of roses.

He turned his head to the door of the bathroom. The door was just slightly open and letting steam out of the crack. He yawned still a bit groggy from whatever knocked him out. He started to doze off when he was startled by Marinette stepping out of the bathroom with only a towel covering her body.

Adrien's face immediately turned red. Marinette went over to push a button that was on the wall next to the bed. Marinette noticed that he was staring at her. She smirked and walked over to him. "Like what you see?"

Adrien didn't even answer for the fact that his lady just flirted with him and that her beautiful was so close to his. He glanced at her lips and then her face. He admired all of her features, features he wished he had seen before.

Her dark violet eyes, her long eyelashes, her cotton button nose, and her luscious lips. He unconsciously leaned in. The space between them growing smaller and smaller. Inches went to mere centimeters and centimeters to millimeters till...